
Module-Function Summary


Required User Module

Maximum Number of Users


Mobile synchronization

Mobile Synchronization

number of purchased modules

Allows to use Lumis 3D with an iPad / iPhone (Lumis 3D Mobile app).

Product line review editor

Product Line Review

number of purchased modules

Allows creation and modification of product line reviews.

Product editor

Product and Scene Editors

number of purchased modules

Allows creation and modification of products.

Product and scene publishing

Product and Scene Publishing

number of purchased modules

Allows creation of locked and published versions of products or scenes.

Requires the Product and Scene Editors module.

Scene editor

Product and Scene Editors

number of purchased modules

Allows creation and modification of scenes.

Private space

Lumis 3D base modules


Allows access to a private space.

Space creation

Lumis 3D base modules


Allows creation of shared spaces.

Domain administration

Lumis 3D base modules


Allows management of users and functions.