Gradients (Editor)

Available in: MatterEditors > Materials in the Gradient zone

The editor Materials gives access to Gradients, an editor that allows you to create your own gradients or to modify pre-existing gradients in Patchwork 3D Design. These gradients are used to display a different color depending on the angle at which a surface is viewed.

This parameter is available for the following types of material:

  • Standard material: Diffuse and Diffuse and Reflection types,
  • Multilayer material: Diffuse and Illumination layers,
  • Labels using the same types or layers as above.

To open this editor, click on the gradient icon in the Gradient zone.

You will find the same configuration of operations, namely operations to Create, Import, Save or Delete a gradient, as in the other types of editor.

The new gradient created appears in the Gradient palette and is named by default gradient 0, gradient 1, etc. You can rename it directly in the input field relating thereto.
Icon Function Description
Delete Delete a gradient from the palette
Import Load a gradient. The imported gradient is saved in the Gradients directory by default.
Save Save a gradient. The modifications are saved in the Gradients directory by default.
  • In the Gradient zone, slide one of the two squares under the Gradient banner head to modify the gradient, or enter a value directly in the Angle field.
  • Modify the color using the Color Chooser, accessible by clicking on the Color square.
To open the Color Chooser, click on one of the two squares of the Gradient banner head. The gradient created is displayed in the banner head. For more information on modifying colors, see Color Chooser.
Icon Function Description
Create a new gradient Create your gradient directly using the color chooser, then click this button.
Assign the new gradient To assign a new gradient to an element in the palette, select the gradient you want to assign the new colors to, then click this button.

To modify a gradient of the Gradient Palette, select it and double-click on it. The gradient is displayed in the viewer.

The Position as Ramp Access Angle parameter allows you to specify a gradient angle.