Raytracing Settings (Editor)

Available inMatterEditors > Raytracing Settings

Rendering tab

The Raytracing Settings window contains all parameters needed to configure the rendering.

The image quality is determined by the activation of various options:

Parameter Description
Adaptive antialiasing Enables the adaptive sampling of the scene: more rays are sent on pixels representing a zone with high color variations, thus strongly reducing aliasing. This option is enabled by default.
Use surface environments

Instructs the raytracing motor to use the lighting environment assigned to surfaces rather than the global environment when reflecting zones outside of the scene. Disable this option to use the global environment instead. This option is enabled by default.

If the surface is dressed with a material that has a roughness value greater than zero, by default the surface will not be rendered by the raytracer. To render a material with roughness using the raytracing engine, make sure that the Raytrace roughness option is selected in the Raytracing tab of the Materials editor.

You may adjust the Ray rebounds parameters to obtain a rendered view with the desired quality, by first adjusting the Maximum Recursion Level (maximum number of rebounds) reached during calculation.

In the Reflections box, the adjustable parameters are:

Parameter Description
Max Reflections Maximum number of reflections allowed during calculation.
Max Rough Reflections Maximum number of rough reflections allowed during calculation.

Similarly, the following parameters can be set in the Transmissions box:

Parameter Description
Max Transmissions Maximum number of transmissions allowed during calculation.
Max Rough Transmissions Maximum number of rough transmissions allowed during calculation.

When a pixel is rendered, reflections and transmissions are computed until Max Recursion level, Max Reflections, or Max Transmissions is reached. The End of course color parameter from the last material hit is then used to determine if either a predefined color or the environment should be used to compute the render. The End of course color parameter is set in the Raytracing tab of the Material editor.

It should be noted that setting the maximum number of rough reflections and transmissions to a high value will drastically increase computation time. Rough reflections and transmissions exponentially increase the number of traced rays. If a ray is sent through a ground glass with a transmission roughness value set to 100, 100 rays will be generated for the first hit, and then 100 other rays will be generated when each of these rays will touch the rear face of the glass. More than 10 000 rays will be therefore used to compute a single pixel. The Max Rough Reflections and Max Rough Transmissions parameters should thus be used with caution to reduce computation time.

The Raytrace roughness for all materials option in the Reflections and Transmissions boxes overrides roughness raytracing for all materials without considering parameters from the Raytracing tab of the Material editor.

The Override roughness sampling option is also available in these two boxes. It allows the roughness sampling value from the Raytracing tab of the Material editor to be disregarded. This override applies to all materials.

The option Use environment instead of background for refracted rays determines the behavior taken into account when rays pass through a transparent surface. When this option is enabled, the refraction of rays passing through a transparent surface redirects them towards the lighting environment instead of the background. If a significant difference, such as a difference in color, exists between the lighting environment and the background, this can produce unexpected effects. Consequently, it is possible to ignore the refraction of rays passing through transparent surfaces by unchecking this box. This option is enabled by default but is never taken into account when rendering multi-layer images in a .psd format.

The Viewport Raytracing box provides the option to automatically add views rendered by raytracing to the Rendered Views History. To activate this option, tick the Automatically add to Rendered Views History on render checkbox. This option is deactivated by default.

Remote tab

Patchwork 3D Design allows you to configure and use remote CPU from units (cluster) to generate a snapshot with raytracing rendering engine.

For hardware requirements (main PC and calculation units) please, see Minimal Configuration and Recommended Configuration

In the Remote tab, parameter are:

Parameter Description
Use remote raytracing

Enables raytracing calculation on remote units (PC) running a specific software:Raytracing cluster unit.

Check the Use remote rendering checkbox to enable remote raytracing feature.

Units to be used for rendering Allows you to add remote rendering units for raytracing calculation.
IP IP from each remote rendering unit.
Port Port of each remote rendering unit.
This port can be changed.

Status of each remote rendering unit.

  • Offline (remote rendering unit is not ready for raytracing calculation)
  • Available (remote rendering unit is ready for raytracing calculation)
  • Uploading (send data to a remote rendering unit)
  • Rendering (sending data to the remote rendering unit)

This box contains a list of configured remote rendering units. You can also select or unselect separately units with this symbol .

The following operations can be performed on this box:

Icon Function Description
Add remote rendering unit Add a remote rendering unit.
Remove remote rendering unit Remove highlighted remote rendering unit.
Load remote rendering units file Import a list of IP units from a text file.
Select all remote rendering units Select all remote rendering units.
Disable all rendering units Disable all remote rendering units