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Patchwork Explorer 2024 X7

Files Zone

The Files zone contains the controls for creating an image file.

In this zone you can set:

  • The output directory where the image file will be saved, as well as the name of the file and its extension,

  • Whether to Open File Selector or not when rendering. When Open File Selector is selected, clicking on the Render button will show the dialogue box offering the choice of file name and type. This option is selected by default.

    To change the format of the file to be created, change the extension of the file name. The following file formats are supported for image output:

    • .jpg

    • .png

    • .bmp

    • .tif

    • .exr

    • .hdf

    • .psd

  • Whether to Confirm Overwrite or not when rendering. When Confirm Overwrite is selected, if a file with an identical name is detected, a confirmation will be asked before replacing it with the file being created. This option is selected by default.

  • The configuration of the compression according to the file type,

  • The configuration of the layered export for .psd files.


Images with an alpha layer must be saved as .png files to keep their transparency. In these cases, the format PNG is automatically proposed by default.


Click the Configure Compression button to open the Compression window.

The compression can be adjusted for each file format for export. For each format, the higher the value is, the better the quality will be.

  • JPEG: slide the cursor to define the compression.

  • PNG: slide the cursor to define the compression. Tick the Export as 16 bits checkbox if you want to activate this option.

  • Image Compression for Animations: slide the cursor to define the compression.

  • Image Compression for VR Objects and Cubic VR Panoramas: slide the cursor to define the compression.

Layered Image Options

Click on the Configure Layered Export to open the Layered Image Options window. The settings defined in this window apply to images exported as .psd files only.

You can choose to export a layer for each of the following options:

  • Composable Image containing three layers: a background, a multiplicative layer, and a layer of the product’s opaque surfaces,

  • Composited Image,

  • G-Buffer,

  • Wireframe,

  • Z-Buffer,

  • Lightmaps.

By default, only the Composable Image option is selected.