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Lumis 3D 2024

Content Actions

The management actions for an item depend on what type of item is selected.


Available for content types

image25.png Download

Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Offline published content, KDRs, KPLs, KMTs, general files


You can download multiple files at once as a ZIP file. Select the files you want to download, then select the action image25.png Download.

image24.png Preview

Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Published content, Product line reviews, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs

View/Edit (double click)

Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, KDRs, KPLs

image44.png Create a product


image45.png Create a scene


image46.png Create a product line review


image47.png Create a public link

All types except Folders: Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, Published content, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs, general files

image26.png Copy to

All types: Folders, Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, Published content, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs, general files


A copy is not linked to its original file. Changes made in one are not reflected in the other.


When you make copies of files other than Products, Scenes and Product line reviews, a new file will be created. The new file will require the same amount of disk space as the original file. Depending on the available storage space, it is often recommended not to make copies of files that cannot be edited, but to share them instead.

image27.png Move to

All types: Folders, Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, Published content, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs, general files

image14.png Rename

All types: Folders, Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, Published content, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs, general files

image15.png Delete (Move to Trash)

All types: Folders, Images, Videos, Text, PDFs, Products, Scenes, Product line reviews, Published content, KDRs, P3Ds, KPLs, KMTs, general files


Deleting a folder also deletes all of the folders and files in it.

Available actions for current folders and selected items.

Available actions for current folders and selected items.