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Patchwork 3D 2023 X6


In the next pages, you will discover the structure of the user interface, the way Patchwork 3D organizes the data, and the preferences of the software, including the default shortcuts. This will help you orient yourself in Patchwork 3D.

You will also need to know how to manipulate objects and how to navigate in a 3D view.

Manipulating objects and navigating in viewports in a nutshell

Manipulating objects in Shaper:

  • image4.png Translation gizmo: use this to move an object along an axis or on a plane.

  • image5.png Rotation Gizmo : use this to rotate an object in 3D space.

Viewport navigation:

  • image6.png Middle mouse button: hold and drag to pan.

  • image7.png Ctrl + middle mouse button: hold and drag to orbit (turn the view in all directions).

  • image8.png Shift + Ctrl + middle mouse button: keep pressed and move the mouse to zoom.

  • Ctrl + Space: recenter the camera by placing the surface point under the cursor at the center of the viewport.

Depending on how Patchwork 3D fits into your workflow, you might be starting from scratch with a CAD file. Below there is an example of a process that you can use.

The Patchwork 3D Workflow in a nutshell

In Shaper:

  1. Import a CAD file to obtain a model.

  2. Optimize the imported CAD data.

  3. Add mapping, kinematics, and lighting.

In Matter:

  1. Create and assign materials.

  2. Develop a rich setting.

  3. Add animation.

  4. Render high-definition, photorealistic images, videos, and viewer-readable files.