Welcome to Patchwork 3D Python SDK documentation
This SDK is not yet completed and its API is still in development.
Getting started
- Main API
- Common types
- Algo API
- App API
- Data API
- AspectLayer
- AspectLayerGroup
- Background
- BackgroundGroup
- Camera
- CameraGroup
- ConfigurationParameter
- ConfigurationPreset
- ConfigurationRule
- ConfigurationTarget
- Database
- Dressing
- Environment
- EnvironmentGroup
- EnvironmentLayer
- GeometryLayer
- Light
- LightAttenuation
- LightGroup
- LightingColor
- LightingFormat
- LightingLayer
- LightingMode
- MappingMode
- Material
- AxfCPA2Material
- BumpMode
- EnvMaterial
- FlakesDistribution
- LabelMode
- MatteMaterial
- MirrorMaterial
- MirrorMaterialOutboundType
- MultiLayerMaterial
- MultiLayerMaterialLayer
- MultiLayerMaterialDiffuseLayer
- MultiLayerMaterialFlakesLayer
- MultiLayerMaterialIlluminationLayer
- MultiLayerMaterialSpecularLayer
- RepetitionMode
- RoughnessMode
- SeamMaterial
- StandardMaterial
- StandardMaterialType
- MaterialGroup
- Model
- Overlay
- OverlayGroup
- Postprocess
- PostprocessGroup
- PostprocessingEffect
- Product
- Sensor
- SensorGroup
- ShadowIntegrity
- Surface
- Texture
- TextureGroup
- Exceptions