Patchwork 3D Essential 2022 X5

Manipulating the Environment

In addition to the standard operations provided in the Matter sidebar's environment library, the Matter interface provides other actions, such Environmental orientation, Link diffuse environment rotation, or Initialize environment orientation in the environment in the Environment Properties editor.

  • Environment orientation: Found in the Mode menu. This tool allows you to move the environment about the product. Since the environment enables lighting of the product, it can thus be positioned so as to bring out the areas of interest, for example.

  • Diffuse environment rotation: this operation is available from the Product > Environment menu. It allows the lighting to be rotated at the same time as the environment.

Manipulating the Environment from Editors

The editors Surface Properties (in Matter), Product Environments, and Environment Properties allow the orientation of the environment to be specified as a modification along the three axes X, Y, and Z.