Web Render 2021.1 X5

DatabaseRepository Access Configuration

The folder C:\ProgramData\Lumiscaphe\RenderUnit must be configured in Windows in order to share it on the local network. It must be accessible by the user account of the WebProvider and Lumis 3D, which distribute the content to be returned there.

Various solutions are possible. Choose one that matches your network configuration and security standards.

A simplified solution would be to make this folder accessible without username and password:

  1. Access the configuration in Windows by right-clicking on the folder to share, then select Properties.

  2. Click on Advanced sharing.

  3. In the window that opens, check the box Share this folder, then click Permissions.

  4. In the window that opens, select Read and Change in the column Allow.

  5. Validate each window to close it.


If you are using more than one RenderUnit, repeat this installation and setup procedure for each render unit.