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Accel VR Enterprise 2022 X5

Collaborative tab


New features in Accel VR 2022


This feature requires a specific license.

For example, you can do design and engineering reviews with remote collaborators to validate the combination of different materials, colors, and shapes of a car.

We call a "Peer" any other instance of Accel VR Pilot. It can be a collaborator on the local network or on the external network.





Connect/Disconnect peers

Connects and syncs Accel VR Pilot with other instances.


Show/Hide peers

Shows or hides peers in the scene.

Add as many local or remote collaborators here as you need.


Accel VR can automatically display available peers over the network.

You can also manually add a peer that is on a remote network by clicking Add_NRM.png and by entering its IP address and the port.

  • manually add a peer on a local or remote network by entering its IP address, port and name.

  • connect to a proxy server by entering its IP address, port, name, channel and finally the password which is randomly generated but modifiable.

    Once connected to the server you will see the other peers connected to the server.


Accel VR randomly assigns a color for each pair added to help identify different operators in the scene.

Click on this icon image61.png to choose each pair you want to use. The icon of the selected window turns orange image62.png to inform the user that the window has been added to the list. The question mark image63.png then disappears. You can now close the window of the Advanced system settings.


This icon image63.png means that the shuttle window has not been added to the list yet. She is unknown. This icon image64.png means that the calculation unit dedicated to the shuttle window is not available on the network despite the fact that it has been added to the list.