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Patchwork Explorer 2024 X7


View Manager

Access: Editors menu > Viewport Manager

keyboard shortcut: M

The floating Viewport Manager window appears when a KDR file is opened.

This window includes the list of products contained in the imported database, as well as the functions relative to the products, the organization of the viewports, and the position of the point of observation.


Access: Viewport Manager window

Mode menu

To display even the smallest details of a product, Patchwork Explorer includes a range of navigational tools. These tools are available in the Viewport Manager or in the Mode menu in the main window.

The product is always observed from a freely-defined point of view. These tools will help you position this observational point as efficiently and precisely as possible.

The look-at point determines the direction in which the camera is directed. The observational point designates the location of the camera in the scene.

The available navigational tools are listed in the following table:






A product in the scene can be selected by clicking on it. The corners of a box enclosing the selected product appear. This indicates which product is included in the selection. 



The look-at point remains fixed and the observational point shifts along the direction of observation.



The observer moves laterally along the observation plane.



The observational point revolves around a fixed look-at point.


Fly Mode

The look-at point and the observational point both advance in the direction of observation.


Walk Mode

The look-at point and the observational point both advance in the direction of observation, but the observational point remains at a fixed altitude.


Translation gizmo

The product (or group of selected products) can be positioned by direct manipulation of the translation gizmo.


Rotation gizmo

The product (or group of selected products) can be oriented by direct manipulation of the rotation gizmo.



This mode reproduces the setting of the focal length of a camera.



The product turns with regard to the center of the screen.


Zoom to fit

The observational point is positioned in order to show the entirety of the product while preserving the direction of observation.



The camera’s ability to pass through all surfaces in a scene is blocked when this option is activated. To observe the effects of this option, use fly mode or walk mode.


Prevent Collisions with Transparent Surfaces

The camera’s ability to pass through transparent surfaces only is activated. (Available only if Collisions is activated.)


Keyboard shortcuts allow quick access to the first three navigational modes:

  • Zoom: Ctrl + Shift + Middle Mouse Button / move the mouse

  • Pan : Hold down the mouse wheel / move the mouse

  • Orbit: Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button / move the mouse

Use Ctrl+Space to place the viewport’s look-at point at the position indicated by the mouse pointer.

Use Shift+Space to set the depth of field and bring the surface under the mouse pointer into focus.

Viewport Configuration

Access: Viewport Manager window

Viewport menu > Viewport Layout

The main function of Patchwork Explorer is the comparison of different versions of your products. Patchwork Explorer provides the tools that allow the main viewport to be divided into several viewports, all while preserving the real-time interactivity of each viewport.





Maximize Active Viewport

Displays the active viewport in 1x1. Rediscover the products and configurations in the other viewports by clicking a second time on this button. This function can also be found in the Viewport menu.


Clear Inactive Viewports

Displays the active viewport in 1x1 and deletes the products and configurations in the other viewports. This function can also be found in the Viewport menu.


Clear All Viewports

Closes the products and configurations in all of the viewports. This function can also be found in the Viewport menu.


Product Manager

Displays the Product Manager (see Product Manager). This option is also available from the Viewport menu.


Live Mode

This option, which is also available in the Viewport menu, will function if your database contains triggered animations. The animations and triggers must be previously defined in Patchwork 3D Enterprise or Patchwork 3D Engineering. Activate this mode, then click on the triggers in your product.


To exit Live Mode, press the Esc key.