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RenderDx9Adapter Properties

The RenderDx9Adapter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuild
Gets the build identifier from the driver version.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the adapter .
Public propertyDeviceId
Gets the device identifier to identify the type of chip set.
Public propertyDeviceIdentifier
Gets the device identifier. This Guid is a unique identifier for the driver and chip set pair.
Public propertyDeviceName
Gets the name of the device for GDI.
Public propertyDriver
Gets the driver name used by the adapter.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
Public propertyProduct
Gets the product identifier from driver version.
Public propertyRevision
Gets the revision level of the chip set.
Public propertySubSysId
Gets the sub system identifier to identify the subsystem, typically the particular board.
Public propertySubVersion
Gets the sub version identifier from the driver version.
Public propertyVendorId
Gets the vendor identifier to identify the manufacturer.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version identifier from the driver version.
Public propertyWHQLLevel
Gets a value indicating the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) validation level for this driver and device pair.
See Also