Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AlreadyInitializedException |
Creates an exception for objects that are already initialized.
| |
BackgroundParameters |
The BackgroundParameters class defines background parameters used in the rendering.
| |
Collider |
The Collider class is used to detect collisions with objects in a scene.
| |
DataBackground |
The DataBackground class is an introspection class that represents a background.
| |
DataCamera |
The DataCamera class is an introspection class that represents a camera.
| |
DataCameraGroup |
The DataCameraGroup class is an introspection class that represents a camera group.
| |
DataDatabase |
The DataDatabase class is an introspection class that represents a database.
| |
DataDCConfiguration |
The DataDCConfiguration class is an introspection class that represents the 3DCommerce configuration.
| |
DataLayout |
The DataLayout class represents a layout of products.
| |
DataLayoutAnimation |
The DataLayoutAnimation class represents a animation to start automatically when the layout is loaded
| |
DataLayoutBookmark |
The DataLayoutBookmark class represents the layout default point of view the a default field of view.
| |
DataLayoutGroup |
The DataLayoutGroup class represents a layout group.
| |
DataLayoutProduct |
The DataLayoutProduct class represents a product in the layout.
| |
DataMaterial |
The DataMaterial class is an introspection class that represents a material.
| |
DataOverlay |
The DataOverlay class is an introspection class that represents an overlay.
| |
DataPostProcess |
The DataPostProcess class is an introspection class that represents a post process.
| |
DataPPConfiguration |
The DataPPConfiguration class is an introspection class that represents the configuration.
| |
DataPPConfigurationBookmark |
The DataPPConfigurationBookmark class is an introspection class that represents a configuration bookmark.
| |
DataPPConfigurationDefines |
The DataPPConfigurationDefines class is an introspection class that represents a configuration defines.
| |
DataPPConfigurationParameter |
The DataPPConfigurationParameter class is an introspection class that represents a configuration parameter.
| |
DataProduct |
The DataProduct class is an introspection class that represents a product.
| |
DataSensor |
The DataSensor class is an introspection class that represents a sensor.
| |
DataSurface |
The DataSurface class is an introspection class that represents a surface.
| |
DataThumbnail |
The DataThumbnail class is an introspection class that represents a thumbnail.
| |
DataTimeline |
The DataTimeline class is an introspection class that represents a timeline.
| |
DataTimelineModel |
The DataTimelineModel class is an introspection class that represents a timeline model. It stores triggers, animations and timelines.
| |
DataTimelineTrigger |
The DataTimelineTrigger class is an introspection class that represents a surface animation trigger.
| |
DataTimelineTriggerAnimation |
The DataTimelineTriggerAnimation class is an introspection class that represents a trigger animation.
| |
License |
The License class is used to initialize a License to activate the SDK.
| |
MathHelper |
The MathHelper class is a collection of mathematic helpers.
| |
NativeException |
The NativeException class is used to translate a C++ exception into a .Net exception. It is used to catch exception thrown by the native code.
| |
NewProductOptions |
The NewProductOptions class defines how a product modifies the scene when added.
| |
ObjectDestroyedException |
The ObjectDestroyedException class is an exception thrown for destroyed object.
| |
ObjectDisposedException |
The ObjectDisposedException class is an exception thrown for disposed object.
| |
ObjectNullException |
The ObjectNullException class is an exception thrown for null object.
| |
Render |
The Render class is a singleton used to initialize the initial context and to create various kind of OpenGL context.
| |
RenderAntialiaser |
The RenderAntialiaser class is used to applied an incremental software antialiasing on the scene. When a anti-aliasing step is over, the event StepDone is raised. | |
RenderBackground |
The RenderBackground represents a background. | |
RenderBlitter |
The RenderBlitter class is used after rendering to blit the result in the specified target.
| |
RenderClippingPlane |
The RenderClippingPlane class defines a clipping plane to create a sectional view of the 3D object.
| |
RenderClippingPlanes |
The RenderClippingPlanes class is a collection of RenderClippingPlane.
| |
RenderColorConverter | ||
RenderCompositer |
The RenderCompositer class is used to apply post process on the rendering result. It has to be applied after blitting. | |
RenderContext |
The RenderContext class defines the OpenGL context.
| |
RenderCuller |
The RenderRenderer class allows the rendering of a scene.
| |
RenderDepthOfFieldParameters |
The RenderDepthOfFieldParameters defines the depth of field parameters. Depth of field is available when the RenderAntialiaser is implemented. | |
RenderDepthPolicy |
The RenderDepthPolicy class defines the OpenGL depth buffer near and far clipping planes strategy.
| |
RenderDx11 |
The RenderDx11 class is a singleton used to initialized DirectX9. This feature use OpenGL/DirectX9 interop only available on nVidia graphic adapters. | |
RenderDx11Device |
The RenderDx11Device class represents the display adapter.
| |
RenderDx9 |
The RenderDx9 class is a singleton used to initialized DirectX9. This feature use OpenGL/DirectX9 interop only available on nVidia graphic adapters. | |
RenderDx9Adapter |
The RenderDx9Adapter class defines the graphic configuration of the computer.
| |
RenderDx9Device |
The RenderDx9Device class represents the display adapter.
| |
RenderGpu |
The RenderGpu class defines an handle of a Gpu that can be queried. This is available when Gpu Affinity is supported. | |
RenderGpuDevice |
The RenderGpuDevice describes the display device connected to the Gpu.
| |
RenderHeadUpDisplay |
The RenderHeadUpDisplay class is a compositer hook used to display 2D elements over the final image. This object must be passed to the RenderCompositer::Render method. | |
RenderHeadUpDisplayBox |
The RenderHeadUpDisplayBox class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class. It allows the user to display a text box over the final image. | |
RenderHeadUpDisplayImage |
The RenderHeadUpDisplayImage class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class. It allows the user to display an image at a specific location and resolution over the final image. | |
RenderHeadUpDisplayStatistics |
The RenderHeadUpDisplayStatistics class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class. It allows the user to display OpenGL statistics as in P3D. | |
RenderHotspot |
The RenderHotspot class represents an interest point that link a 3D position to a 2D position in the image.
| |
RenderHotspotsFinder |
The RenderHotspotsFinder class are helpers to find interest point in a scene.
| |
RenderImage |
The RenderImage represents an image. | |
RenderImageArray |
The RenderImageArray class represents an image where pixels are stored in a byte array.
| |
RenderImageDx11Surface |
The RenderImageDx9Surface class represents a DirectX9 Surface.
| |
RenderImageDx11SurfaceFactory |
The RenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory class give the ability to create a DirectX9 Surface as a RenderImageDx9Surface.
| |
RenderImageDx9Surface |
The RenderImageDx9Surface class represents a DirectX9 Surface.
| |
RenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory |
The RenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory class give the ability to create a DirectX9 Surface as a RenderImageDx9Surface.
| |
RenderImageFbo |
The RenderImageFbo class represents an OpenGL Frame Buffer Object.
| |
RenderImageMemory |
The RenderImageMemory class is used to store a byte image in memory.
| |
RenderImageMemoryFloat |
The RenderImageMemoryFloat class is used to store a float image in memory.
| |
RenderImageMemoryShared |
The RenderImageMemoryShared class is a memory image that use a shared memory byte buffer.
| |
RenderImageRaw |
The RenderImageRaw class represents a raw image.
| |
RenderImageStack |
The RenderImageStack represents an image. | |
RenderMaterialKey |
The RenderMaterialKey class is a unique identifier of a material.
| |
RenderMaterialStandard |
The RenderMaterialStandard class is a collection of helpers that allow the user to modify the diffuse part of an existing standard material.
| |
RenderMaterialSubstitutionHelper |
The RenderMaterialSubstitutionHelper class is a collection of helpers that allow the user to substitute materials.
| |
RenderMotionBlurParameters |
Initializes a new instance of the RenderMotionBlurParameters class.
| |
RenderPartitions |
The RenderPartitions class allow the user to hide surfaces according to the applied material type.
| |
RenderPickerBuffer |
The RenderPickerBuffer class is a Frame Buffer Object dedicating for picking operations.
| |
RenderPickerMaterial |
The RenderPickerMaterial class is dedicated for the picking of materials in a scene.
| |
RenderPickerPickMaterial |
The RenderPickerPickMaterial class represents a picked material returned by the RenderPickerMaterial::Pick method.
| |
RenderPickerPickPoint |
The RenderPickerPickPoint class gives 3D informations of a surface point under a given pixel position. This object is returned by the RenderPickerSurface::PickPoint method. | |
RenderPickerPickSurface |
The RenderPickerPickSurface class represents a picked surface returned by the RenderPickerSurface::PickSurface method.
| |
RenderPickerSurface |
The RenderPickerSurface class is dedicated for the picking of surfaces in a scene.
| |
RenderRenderables |
The RenderRenderables class allows to enable or disable some rendering features.
| |
RenderRenderer |
The RenderRenderer class allows the rendering of a scene.
| |
RenderRendererAspectParameters |
The RenderRendererAspectParameters class allows the user to enable or disable some aspect rendering features.
| |
RenderRendererHook |
The RenderRendererHook class is a rendering hook used to display 3D elements at a specific stage of the rendering pipeline. This object must be passed to the RenderRenderer::Render method. | |
RenderRendererHookContext |
The RenderRendererHookContext class gives information about the viewport, the frustum and the point of view for a rendering hook.
| |
RenderRendererParameters |
The RenderRendererParameters class allows the user to hide surfaces according to the applied material type
| |
RenderRendererTransformGizmo | RenderRendererTransformGizmo class defines a rendering hook element to display a manipulation gizmo for the transform gizmo.
| |
RenderResources |
The RenderResources class contains OpenGL resources attached to an OpenGL context. (Shader, Frame Buffer Objects, etc...)
| |
RenderSceneManager |
The RenderSceneManager class allows to create scenes, add products in a scene, modify the products properties and so on. This class is used to manage all datas needed for the rendering. | |
RenderSnapshooter |
The RenderSnapshooter class allows to do snapshots of a scene.
| |
RenderSnapshooterFastByteParameters |
The RenderSnapshooterFastByteParameters class is used to configure the image properties returned by the RenderSnapshooter::SnapshotFastByte method.
| |
RenderSnapshooterLayeredParameters |
The RenderSnapshooterLayeredParameters class is used to configure the image properties returned by the RenderSnapshooter::SnapshotLayered method.
| |
RenderSnapshooterParameters |
The RenderSnapshooterParameters class is used to configure the image quality of the snapshooter.
| |
RenderStatistics |
The RenderStatistics class is used during the rendering and the blitting to store statistics about the frame rate and the Gpu consumption.
| |
RenderTransformGizmo |
The RenderTransformGizmo class defines the transformation manipulator.
| |
RenderVideoCodec |
The RenderVideoCodec class represents a video codec
| |
RenderVideoContainer |
The RenderVideoContainer class represents a video container.
| |
RenderVideoEncoder |
The RenderVideoEncoder class represents a video encoder
| |
TimelinePlayer |
The TimelinePlayer class is an animation engine and allow the user to start and evaluate animations in real time or step by step. |
Structure | Description | |
Aabb3 |
The Aabb3 structure represent an axis aligned bounding box.
| |
Basis3 |
The Basis3 structure represent a basis
| |
DataAnimationGuid |
The DataAnimationGuid structure represents a data animation or timeline identifier.
| |
DataBackgroundGuid |
The DataBackgroundGuid structure represents a data background identifier.
| |
DataCameraGroupGuid |
The DataCameraGroupGuid structure represents a data camera group identifier.
| |
DataCameraGuid |
The DataCameraGuid structure represents a data camera identifier.
| |
DataDatabaseGuid |
The DataDatabaseGuid structure represents a data database identifier.
| |
DataEnvGuid |
The DataEnvGuid structure represents a data environment identifier.
| |
DataLayerGuid |
The DataLayerGuid structure represents a data layer identifier.
| |
DataLayoutGroupGuid |
The DataLayoutGroupGuid structure represents a data layout group identifier.
| |
DataLayoutGuid |
The DataLayoutGuid structure represents a data layout identifier.
| |
DataMaterialGuid |
The DataMaterialGuid structure represents a data material identifier.
| |
DataOverlayGuid |
The DataOverlayGuid structure represents a data overlay identifier.
| |
DataPostProcessGuid |
The DataPostProcessGuid structure represents a data post process identifier.
| |
DataProductGuid |
The DataProductGuid structure represents a data product identifier.
| |
DataSensorGuid |
The DataSensorGuid structure represents a data sensor identifier.
| |
DataSurfaceGuid |
The DataSurfaceGuid structure represents a data surface identifier.
| |
Frustum |
The Frustum structure represent a mathematic frustum which is the portion of a pyramid shape that lies between two parallel planes cutting it.
| |
Frustum3 |
The Frustum3 structure describes the three-dimensional region which is visible on the screen.
| |
Matrix4 |
The Matrix4 structure represents a 4x4 matrix stored in column major.
| |
Plane3 |
The Plane3 structure represents a mathematical plane.
| |
RenderColorRgb |
The RenderColorRgb structure represents a RGB color.
| |
RenderColorRgba |
The RenderColorRgba structure represents a RGBA color.
| |
RenderFrustum |
The RenderFrustum structure represents a normalize frustum which means that the near and far plane do not need to be specified.
| |
RenderGpuDeviceScreen |
The RenderGpuDeviceScreen structure represents the size of the screen device connected to the Gpu.
| |
RenderLightingSetup |
The RenderLightingSetup structure represents the lighting configuration of a material.
| |
RenderPointOfView |
The RenderPointOfView structure represents a point of view for the rendering.
| |
RenderPosition |
The RenderPosition structure represents a position in the image.
| |
RenderPresentParameters |
The RenderPresentParameters structure describes how the rendering will be displayed on the client side.
| |
RenderResolution |
The RenderResolution structure represents a resolution width and height in pixel.
| |
RenderSnapshot |
The RenderSnapshot structure represents a rendering snapshot with a point of view, a frustum and a resolution.
| |
RenderSnapshotStereo |
The RenderSnapshotStereo structure initializes a stereo rendering snapshot from a rendering snapshot.
| |
RenderSpotAuthoringData |
The RenderSpotAuthoringData structure represents the spot parameters
| |
RenderSSAOParameters |
The RenderSSAOParameters structure defines SSAO parameters used in the rendering.
| |
RenderSunAuthoringData |
The RenderSunAuthoringData structure the parameters of the sun like the color, the shadow quality and so on.
| |
RenderSunAuthoringDataManual |
The RenderSunAuthoringDataManual structure defines the sun position in the sky using azimuth and altitude angle.
| |
RenderSunAuthoringDataTimeAndLoc |
The RenderSunAuthoringDataTimeAndLoc structure defines the sun position in the sky using a date, a time and a location.
| |
SceneGuid |
The SceneGuid structure represents a scene identifier.
| |
SceneProductGuid |
The SceneProductGuid structure represents a scene product identifier.
| |
SceneSurfaceGuid |
The SceneSurfaceGuid structure represents a scene surface identifier.
| |
Spherical |
The Spherical structure is used to express a point in the spherical coordinate system.
| |
StereoEyesDescription |
The StereoEyesDescription structure defines the position of the eyes in the head referential.
| |
StereoProjectionInWorld |
The StereoProjectionInWorld structure represents the shuttle window projections in the world coordinates system for both eyes.
| |
StereoTrackerRawData |
The StereoTrackerRawData represents the position, the position correction and the orientation of the tracker.
| |
StereoWindowProjectionInWorld |
The StereoWindowProjectionInWorld structure represents the projection of the shuttle window in the world coordinates system.
| |
Transform2 |
The Transform2 structure represents a 2D transformation expressed as a scaling, Euler angle and translation vector.
| |
Transform3 |
The Transform3 structure represents a 3D transformation expressed as a scaling, Euler angles and translation vector.
| |
UserProductGuid |
The UserProductGuid structure represents a user product identifier (use to assign a custon identifier to a scene product).
| |
Vector2 |
The Vector2 structure represents a 2-dimensional vector.
| |
Vector3 |
The Vector3 structure represents a 3-dimensional vector.
| |
Vector4 |
The Vector4 structure represents a 4-dimensional vector.
| |
Viewport |
The Viewport structure represents the position and the size of the viewport in pixels.
Interface | Description | |
IDataLibraryAnimation |
The IDataLibraryAnimation interface should be implemented to describe an animation.
| |
IRenderCompositerHook |
The IRenderCompositerHook interface should be implemented to create custom compositer hooks.
| |
IRenderHeadUpDisplayElement |
The IRenderHeadUpDisplayElement interface should be implemented to create custom head up display elements.
| |
IRenderImageDescription |
The IRenderImageDescription interface should be implemented to describe an image with the format, dynamic, orientation and resolution.
| |
IRenderImageMemory |
The IRenderImageMemory interface should be implemented to create custom representation of images stored in memory buffer.
| |
IRenderRendererHook |
The IRenderRendererHook interface should be implemented to create custom renderer hook.
| |
IRenderRendererHookElement |
The IRenderRendererHookElement interface should be implemented to create custom renderer hook elements.
| |
IRenderSceneProgress |
The IRenderSceneProgress interface should be implemented to get loading feedbacks when adding product to a scene and changing configuration.
| |
IRenderSnapshooterProgress |
The IRenderSnapshooterProgress should be implemented to get progression feedbacks when doing a snapshot.
| |
IRenderTrace |
The IRenderTrace interface should be implemented to get feedbacks from OpenGL.
Enumeration | Description | |
BackgroundMode |
The BackgroundMode enumeration defines how the background is computed.
| |
DataTimelineAnimationType |
The DataTimelineAnimationType enumeration defines the kind of an animation.
| |
DataTimelinePlayMode |
The DataTimelineAnimationType enumeration defines the kind of an animation.
| |
EnvironmentRebuildPolicy |
The EnvironmentRebuildPolicy enumeration defines how local environments are rebuilt.
| |
ExtraBuffersAllocation |
The ExtraBuffersAllocation enumeration defines optional buffers to allocate during resources creation.
The number of allocated buffer will increase the Gpu memory consumption.
| |
ExtraDataIntrospection |
The ExtraDataIntrospection enumeration defines optional datas to introspect during database loading.
The number of introspected datas will increase the loading time.
| |
FovType |
The FovType enumeration defines how the field of view angle is measured.
| |
KeepEnvPartitionMode |
The KeepEnvPartitionMode enumeration defines how the handled product assigns environment partitions .
| |
PatchworkEdition |
The PatchworkEdition enumeration defines which KDR types will be accepted.
| |
PlaneOrientation |
The PlaneOrientation enumeration defines the orientation according to the world axis of a plane.
| |
PlanePosition |
The PlanePosition enumeration defines the relative position of a point to the plane.
| |
RenderClut |
The RenderClut defines the color management and depends on which device the result will be displayed.
| |
RenderCubeFace |
The RenderCubeFace enumeration defines the face of a cube for the cube rendering.
| |
RenderCullfacePolicy |
The RenderCullfacePolicy enumeration defines the back face culling strategy.
| |
RenderDepthRangeMode |
The RenderDepthRangeMode enumeration defines the depth strategy to compute the near and far clipping planes.
| |
RenderGpuDeviceAttribute |
The RenderGpuDeviceAttribute enumeration defines the Gpu attributes
| |
RenderHorizontalAlignment |
The RenderHorizontalAlignment defines the horizontal layout alignment.
| |
RenderHotspotVisibility |
The RenderHotspotVisibility enumeration defines the visibility of interest points.
| |
RenderImageDynamic |
The RenderImageDynamic enumeration defines the type of pixel components.
| |
RenderImageFormat |
The RenderImageFormat enumeration defines the number of component per pixels and their organization.
| |
RenderImageOrientation |
The RenderImageOrientation defines the image pixels order.
| |
RenderLightingSetupMode |
The RenderLightingSetupMode enumeration defines the lighting mode used in the rendering of materials.
| |
RenderMaterialStandardParameter |
The RenderMaterialStandardParameter enumeration defines the parameter of the material standard.
| |
RenderMaterialType |
The RenderMaterialType enumeration defines the material type.
| |
RenderMode |
The RenderMode enumeration defines the rendering mode.
| |
RenderPartitionType |
The RenderPartitionType enumeration defines a partition type based on the kind of material assigned to surfaces. The is used for example to select only a subset of surfaces when computing the axis aligned bounding box. | |
RenderPickerPickMaterialType |
The RenderPickerPickMaterialType enumeration defines the type surface material assignment.
| |
RenderPresentBuffer |
The RenderPresentBuffer defines the blit destination buffer for presentation.
| |
RenderRendererHookPoint |
The RenderRendererHookPoint enumeration defines when the hook must be rendered in the rendering pipeline.
| |
RenderSnapshotStereoMode |
The RenderSnapshotStereoMode enumeration defines how the left and right rendering snapshots view vector are computed.
| |
RenderSpotAttenuation |
The RenderSpotAttenuation enumeration defines the behavior of the spot attenuation
| |
RenderSunAuthoringDataUseCaseMode |
The RenderSunAuthoringDataUseCaseMode enumeration defines how the sun position is computed in the sky.
| |
RenderTransformGizmoMode |
The RenderTransformGizmoMode enumeration defines the transformation mode of the transform gizmo.
| |
RenderVerticalAlignment |
The RenderVerticalAlignment defines the vertical layout alignment.
| |
ShadowQualityMode |
The ShadowQualityMode enumeration defines the quality of the shadow maps.
| |
ShadowSmoothnessMode |
The ShadowSmoothnessMode enumeration defines the smoothness of the shadow edges or the soft shadows quality.
| |
TimeFlowMode |
The TimeFlowMode enumeration defines how the time flow in the timeline player.