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Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop Namespace

Public classAlreadyInitializedException
Creates an exception for objects that are already initialized.
Public classBackgroundParameters
The BackgroundParameters class defines background parameters used in the rendering.
Public classCollider
The Collider class is used to detect collisions with objects in a scene.
Public classDataBackground
The DataBackground class is an introspection class that represents a background.
Public classDataCamera
The DataCamera class is an introspection class that represents a camera.
Public classDataCameraGroup
The DataCameraGroup class is an introspection class that represents a camera group.
Public classDataDatabase
The DataDatabase class is an introspection class that represents a database.
Public classDataDCConfiguration
The DataDCConfiguration class is an introspection class that represents the 3DCommerce configuration.
Public classDataLayout
The DataLayout class represents a layout of products.
Public classDataLayoutAnimation
The DataLayoutAnimation class represents a animation to start automatically when the layout is loaded
Public classDataLayoutBookmark
The DataLayoutBookmark class represents the layout default point of view the a default field of view.
Public classDataLayoutGroup
The DataLayoutGroup class represents a layout group.
Public classDataLayoutProduct
The DataLayoutProduct class represents a product in the layout.
Public classDataMaterial
The DataMaterial class is an introspection class that represents a material.
Public classDataOverlay
The DataOverlay class is an introspection class that represents an overlay.
Public classDataPostProcess
The DataPostProcess class is an introspection class that represents a post process.
Public classDataPPConfiguration
The DataPPConfiguration class is an introspection class that represents the configuration.
Public classDataPPConfigurationBookmark
The DataPPConfigurationBookmark class is an introspection class that represents a configuration bookmark.
Public classDataPPConfigurationDefines
The DataPPConfigurationDefines class is an introspection class that represents a configuration defines.
Public classDataPPConfigurationParameter
The DataPPConfigurationParameter class is an introspection class that represents a configuration parameter.
Public classDataProduct
The DataProduct class is an introspection class that represents a product.
Public classDataSensor
The DataSensor class is an introspection class that represents a sensor.
Public classDataSurface
The DataSurface class is an introspection class that represents a surface.
Public classDataThumbnail
The DataThumbnail class is an introspection class that represents a thumbnail.
Public classDataTimeline
The DataTimeline class is an introspection class that represents a timeline.
Public classDataTimelineModel
The DataTimelineModel class is an introspection class that represents a timeline model. It stores triggers, animations and timelines.
Public classDataTimelineTrigger
The DataTimelineTrigger class is an introspection class that represents a surface animation trigger.
Public classDataTimelineTriggerAnimation
The DataTimelineTriggerAnimation class is an introspection class that represents a trigger animation.
Public classLicense
The License class is used to initialize a License to activate the SDK.
Public classMathHelper
The MathHelper class is a collection of mathematic helpers.
Public classNativeException
The NativeException class is used to translate a C++ exception into a .Net exception. It is used to catch exception thrown by the native code.
Public classNewProductOptions
The NewProductOptions class defines how a product modifies the scene when added.
Public classObjectDestroyedException
The ObjectDestroyedException class is an exception thrown for destroyed object.
Public classObjectDisposedException
The ObjectDisposedException class is an exception thrown for disposed object.
Public classObjectNullException
The ObjectNullException class is an exception thrown for null object.
Public classRender
The Render class is a singleton used to initialize the initial context and to create various kind of OpenGL context.
Public classRenderAntialiaser
The RenderAntialiaser class is used to applied an incremental software antialiasing on the scene.
When a anti-aliasing step is over, the event StepDone is raised.
Public classRenderBackground
The RenderBackground represents a background.
Public classRenderBlitter
The RenderBlitter class is used after rendering to blit the result in the specified target.
Public classRenderClippingPlane
The RenderClippingPlane class defines a clipping plane to create a sectional view of the 3D object.
Public classRenderClippingPlanes
The RenderClippingPlanes class is a collection of RenderClippingPlane.
Public classRenderColorConverter
Public classRenderCompositer
The RenderCompositer class is used to apply post process on the rendering result.
It has to be applied after blitting.
Public classRenderContext
The RenderContext class defines the OpenGL context.
Public classRenderCuller
The RenderRenderer class allows the rendering of a scene.
Public classRenderDepthOfFieldParameters
The RenderDepthOfFieldParameters defines the depth of field parameters.
Depth of field is available when the RenderAntialiaser is implemented.
Public classRenderDepthPolicy
The RenderDepthPolicy class defines the OpenGL depth buffer near and far clipping planes strategy.
Public classRenderDx11
The RenderDx11 class is a singleton used to initialized DirectX9.
This feature use OpenGL/DirectX9 interop only available on nVidia graphic adapters.
Public classRenderDx11Device
The RenderDx11Device class represents the display adapter.
Public classRenderDx9
The RenderDx9 class is a singleton used to initialized DirectX9.
This feature use OpenGL/DirectX9 interop only available on nVidia graphic adapters.
Public classRenderDx9Adapter
The RenderDx9Adapter class defines the graphic configuration of the computer.
Public classRenderDx9Device
The RenderDx9Device class represents the display adapter.
Public classRenderGpu
The RenderGpu class defines an handle of a Gpu that can be queried.
This is available when Gpu Affinity is supported.
Public classRenderGpuDevice
The RenderGpuDevice describes the display device connected to the Gpu.
Public classRenderHeadUpDisplay
The RenderHeadUpDisplay class is a compositer hook used to display 2D elements over the final image.
This object must be passed to the RenderCompositer::Render method.
Public classRenderHeadUpDisplayBox
The RenderHeadUpDisplayBox class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class.
It allows the user to display a text box over the final image.
Public classRenderHeadUpDisplayImage
The RenderHeadUpDisplayImage class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class.
It allows the user to display an image at a specific location and resolution over the final image.
Public classRenderHeadUpDisplayStatistics
The RenderHeadUpDisplayStatistics class is an element for the RenderHeadUpDisplay class.
It allows the user to display OpenGL statistics as in P3D.
Public classRenderHotspot
The RenderHotspot class represents an interest point that link a 3D position to a 2D position in the image.
Public classRenderHotspotsFinder
The RenderHotspotsFinder class are helpers to find interest point in a scene.
Public classRenderImage
The RenderImage represents an image.
Public classRenderImageArray
The RenderImageArray class represents an image where pixels are stored in a byte array.
Public classRenderImageDx11Surface
The RenderImageDx9Surface class represents a DirectX9 Surface.
Public classRenderImageDx11SurfaceFactory
The RenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory class give the ability to create a DirectX9 Surface as a RenderImageDx9Surface.
Public classRenderImageDx9Surface
The RenderImageDx9Surface class represents a DirectX9 Surface.
Public classRenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory
The RenderImageDx9SurfaceFactory class give the ability to create a DirectX9 Surface as a RenderImageDx9Surface.
Public classRenderImageFbo
The RenderImageFbo class represents an OpenGL Frame Buffer Object.
Public classRenderImageMemory
The RenderImageMemory class is used to store a byte image in memory.
Public classRenderImageMemoryFloat
The RenderImageMemoryFloat class is used to store a float image in memory.
Public classRenderImageMemoryShared
The RenderImageMemoryShared class is a memory image that use a shared memory byte buffer.
Public classRenderImageRaw
The RenderImageRaw class represents a raw image.
Public classRenderImageStack
The RenderImageStack represents an image.
Public classRenderMaterialKey
The RenderMaterialKey class is a unique identifier of a material.
Public classRenderMaterialStandard
The RenderMaterialStandard class is a collection of helpers that allow the user to modify the diffuse part of an existing standard material.
Public classRenderMaterialSubstitutionHelper
The RenderMaterialSubstitutionHelper class is a collection of helpers that allow the user to substitute materials.
Public classRenderMotionBlurParameters
Initializes a new instance of the RenderMotionBlurParameters class.
Public classRenderPartitions
The RenderPartitions class allow the user to hide surfaces according to the applied material type.
Public classRenderPickerBuffer
The RenderPickerBuffer class is a Frame Buffer Object dedicating for picking operations.
Public classRenderPickerMaterial
The RenderPickerMaterial class is dedicated for the picking of materials in a scene.
Public classRenderPickerPickMaterial
The RenderPickerPickMaterial class represents a picked material returned by the RenderPickerMaterial::Pick method.
Public classRenderPickerPickPoint
The RenderPickerPickPoint class gives 3D informations of a surface point under a given pixel position.
This object is returned by the RenderPickerSurface::PickPoint method.
Public classRenderPickerPickSurface
The RenderPickerPickSurface class represents a picked surface returned by the RenderPickerSurface::PickSurface method.
Public classRenderPickerSurface
The RenderPickerSurface class is dedicated for the picking of surfaces in a scene.
Public classRenderRenderables
The RenderRenderables class allows to enable or disable some rendering features.
Public classRenderRenderer
The RenderRenderer class allows the rendering of a scene.
Public classRenderRendererAspectParameters
The RenderRendererAspectParameters class allows the user to enable or disable some aspect rendering features.
Public classRenderRendererHook
The RenderRendererHook class is a rendering hook used to display 3D elements at a specific stage of the rendering pipeline.
This object must be passed to the RenderRenderer::Render method.
Public classRenderRendererHookContext
The RenderRendererHookContext class gives information about the viewport, the frustum and the point of view for a rendering hook.
Public classRenderRendererParameters
The RenderRendererParameters class allows the user to hide surfaces according to the applied material type
Public classRenderRendererTransformGizmo
RenderRendererTransformGizmo class defines a rendering hook element to display a manipulation gizmo for the transform gizmo.
Public classRenderResources
The RenderResources class contains OpenGL resources attached to an OpenGL context. (Shader, Frame Buffer Objects, etc...)
Public classRenderSceneManager
The RenderSceneManager class allows to create scenes, add products in a scene, modify the products properties and so on.
This class is used to manage all datas needed for the rendering.
Public classRenderSnapshooter
The RenderSnapshooter class allows to do snapshots of a scene.
Public classRenderSnapshooterFastByteParameters
The RenderSnapshooterFastByteParameters class is used to configure the image properties returned by the RenderSnapshooter::SnapshotFastByte method.
Public classRenderSnapshooterLayeredParameters
The RenderSnapshooterLayeredParameters class is used to configure the image properties returned by the RenderSnapshooter::SnapshotLayered method.
Public classRenderSnapshooterParameters
The RenderSnapshooterParameters class is used to configure the image quality of the snapshooter.
Public classRenderStatistics
The RenderStatistics class is used during the rendering and the blitting to store statistics about the frame rate and the Gpu consumption.
Public classRenderTransformGizmo
The RenderTransformGizmo class defines the transformation manipulator.
Public classRenderVideoCodec
The RenderVideoCodec class represents a video codec
Public classRenderVideoContainer
The RenderVideoContainer class represents a video container.
Public classRenderVideoEncoder
The RenderVideoEncoder class represents a video encoder
Public classTimelinePlayer
The TimelinePlayer class is an animation engine and allow the user to start and evaluate animations in real time or step by step.
Public structureAabb3
The Aabb3 structure represent an axis aligned bounding box.
Public structureBasis3
The Basis3 structure represent a basis
Public structureDataAnimationGuid
The DataAnimationGuid structure represents a data animation or timeline identifier.
Public structureDataBackgroundGuid
The DataBackgroundGuid structure represents a data background identifier.
Public structureDataCameraGroupGuid
The DataCameraGroupGuid structure represents a data camera group identifier.
Public structureDataCameraGuid
The DataCameraGuid structure represents a data camera identifier.
Public structureDataDatabaseGuid
The DataDatabaseGuid structure represents a data database identifier.
Public structureDataEnvGuid
The DataEnvGuid structure represents a data environment identifier.
Public structureDataLayerGuid
The DataLayerGuid structure represents a data layer identifier.
Public structureDataLayoutGroupGuid
The DataLayoutGroupGuid structure represents a data layout group identifier.
Public structureDataLayoutGuid
The DataLayoutGuid structure represents a data layout identifier.
Public structureDataMaterialGuid
The DataMaterialGuid structure represents a data material identifier.
Public structureDataOverlayGuid
The DataOverlayGuid structure represents a data overlay identifier.
Public structureDataPostProcessGuid
The DataPostProcessGuid structure represents a data post process identifier.
Public structureDataProductGuid
The DataProductGuid structure represents a data product identifier.
Public structureDataSensorGuid
The DataSensorGuid structure represents a data sensor identifier.
Public structureDataSurfaceGuid
The DataSurfaceGuid structure represents a data surface identifier.
Public structureFrustum
The Frustum structure represent a mathematic frustum which is the portion of a pyramid shape that lies between two parallel planes cutting it.
Public structureFrustum3
The Frustum3 structure describes the three-dimensional region which is visible on the screen.
Public structureMatrix4
The Matrix4 structure represents a 4x4 matrix stored in column major.
Public structurePlane3
The Plane3 structure represents a mathematical plane.
Public structureRenderColorRgb
The RenderColorRgb structure represents a RGB color.
Public structureRenderColorRgba
The RenderColorRgba structure represents a RGBA color.
Public structureRenderFrustum
The RenderFrustum structure represents a normalize frustum which means that the near and far plane do not need to be specified.
Public structureRenderGpuDeviceScreen
The RenderGpuDeviceScreen structure represents the size of the screen device connected to the Gpu.
Public structureRenderLightingSetup
The RenderLightingSetup structure represents the lighting configuration of a material.
Public structureRenderPointOfView
The RenderPointOfView structure represents a point of view for the rendering.
Public structureRenderPosition
The RenderPosition structure represents a position in the image.
Public structureRenderPresentParameters
The RenderPresentParameters structure describes how the rendering will be displayed on the client side.
Public structureRenderResolution
The RenderResolution structure represents a resolution width and height in pixel.
Public structureRenderSnapshot
The RenderSnapshot structure represents a rendering snapshot with a point of view, a frustum and a resolution.
Public structureRenderSnapshotStereo
The RenderSnapshotStereo structure initializes a stereo rendering snapshot from a rendering snapshot.
Public structureRenderSpotAuthoringData
The RenderSpotAuthoringData structure represents the spot parameters
Public structureRenderSSAOParameters
The RenderSSAOParameters structure defines SSAO parameters used in the rendering.
Public structureRenderSunAuthoringData
The RenderSunAuthoringData structure the parameters of the sun like the color, the shadow quality and so on.
Public structureRenderSunAuthoringDataManual
The RenderSunAuthoringDataManual structure defines the sun position in the sky using azimuth and altitude angle.
Public structureRenderSunAuthoringDataTimeAndLoc
The RenderSunAuthoringDataTimeAndLoc structure defines the sun position in the sky using a date, a time and a location.
Public structureSceneGuid
The SceneGuid structure represents a scene identifier.
Public structureSceneProductGuid
The SceneProductGuid structure represents a scene product identifier.
Public structureSceneSurfaceGuid
The SceneSurfaceGuid structure represents a scene surface identifier.
Public structureSpherical
The Spherical structure is used to express a point in the spherical coordinate system.
Public structureStereoEyesDescription
The StereoEyesDescription structure defines the position of the eyes in the head referential.
Public structureStereoProjectionInWorld
The StereoProjectionInWorld structure represents the shuttle window projections in the world coordinates system for both eyes.
Public structureStereoTrackerRawData
The StereoTrackerRawData represents the position, the position correction and the orientation of the tracker.
Public structureStereoWindowProjectionInWorld
The StereoWindowProjectionInWorld structure represents the projection of the shuttle window in the world coordinates system.
Public structureTransform2
The Transform2 structure represents a 2D transformation expressed as a scaling, Euler angle and translation vector.
Public structureTransform3
The Transform3 structure represents a 3D transformation expressed as a scaling, Euler angles and translation vector.
Public structureUserProductGuid
The UserProductGuid structure represents a user product identifier (use to assign a custon identifier to a scene product).
Public structureVector2
The Vector2 structure represents a 2-dimensional vector.
Public structureVector3
The Vector3 structure represents a 3-dimensional vector.
Public structureVector4
The Vector4 structure represents a 4-dimensional vector.
Public structureViewport
The Viewport structure represents the position and the size of the viewport in pixels.
Public interfaceIDataLibraryAnimation
The IDataLibraryAnimation interface should be implemented to describe an animation.
Public interfaceIRenderCompositerHook
The IRenderCompositerHook interface should be implemented to create custom compositer hooks.
Public interfaceIRenderHeadUpDisplayElement
The IRenderHeadUpDisplayElement interface should be implemented to create custom head up display elements.
Public interfaceIRenderImageDescription
The IRenderImageDescription interface should be implemented to describe an image with the format, dynamic, orientation and resolution.
Public interfaceIRenderImageMemory
The IRenderImageMemory interface should be implemented to create custom representation of images stored in memory buffer.
Public interfaceIRenderRendererHook
The IRenderRendererHook interface should be implemented to create custom renderer hook.
Public interfaceIRenderRendererHookElement
The IRenderRendererHookElement interface should be implemented to create custom renderer hook elements.
Public interfaceIRenderSceneProgress
The IRenderSceneProgress interface should be implemented to get loading feedbacks when adding product to a scene and changing configuration.
Public interfaceIRenderSnapshooterProgress
The IRenderSnapshooterProgress should be implemented to get progression feedbacks when doing a snapshot.
Public interfaceIRenderTrace
The IRenderTrace interface should be implemented to get feedbacks from OpenGL.
Public enumerationBackgroundMode
The BackgroundMode enumeration defines how the background is computed.
Public enumerationDataTimelineAnimationType
The DataTimelineAnimationType enumeration defines the kind of an animation.
Public enumerationDataTimelinePlayMode
The DataTimelineAnimationType enumeration defines the kind of an animation.
Public enumerationEnvironmentRebuildPolicy
The EnvironmentRebuildPolicy enumeration defines how local environments are rebuilt.
Public enumerationExtraBuffersAllocation
The ExtraBuffersAllocation enumeration defines optional buffers to allocate during resources creation. The number of allocated buffer will increase the Gpu memory consumption.
Public enumerationExtraDataIntrospection
The ExtraDataIntrospection enumeration defines optional datas to introspect during database loading. The number of introspected datas will increase the loading time.
Public enumerationFovType
The FovType enumeration defines how the field of view angle is measured.
Public enumerationKeepEnvPartitionMode
The KeepEnvPartitionMode enumeration defines how the handled product assigns environment partitions .
Public enumerationPatchworkEdition
The PatchworkEdition enumeration defines which KDR types will be accepted.
Public enumerationPlaneOrientation
The PlaneOrientation enumeration defines the orientation according to the world axis of a plane.
Public enumerationPlanePosition
The PlanePosition enumeration defines the relative position of a point to the plane.
Public enumerationRenderClut
The RenderClut defines the color management and depends on which device the result will be displayed.
Public enumerationRenderCubeFace
The RenderCubeFace enumeration defines the face of a cube for the cube rendering.
Public enumerationRenderCullfacePolicy
The RenderCullfacePolicy enumeration defines the back face culling strategy.
Public enumerationRenderDepthRangeMode
The RenderDepthRangeMode enumeration defines the depth strategy to compute the near and far clipping planes.
Public enumerationRenderGpuDeviceAttribute
The RenderGpuDeviceAttribute enumeration defines the Gpu attributes
Public enumerationRenderHorizontalAlignment
The RenderHorizontalAlignment defines the horizontal layout alignment.
Public enumerationRenderHotspotVisibility
The RenderHotspotVisibility enumeration defines the visibility of interest points.
Public enumerationRenderImageDynamic
The RenderImageDynamic enumeration defines the type of pixel components.
Public enumerationRenderImageFormat
The RenderImageFormat enumeration defines the number of component per pixels and their organization.
Public enumerationRenderImageOrientation
The RenderImageOrientation defines the image pixels order.
Public enumerationRenderLightingSetupMode
The RenderLightingSetupMode enumeration defines the lighting mode used in the rendering of materials.
Public enumerationRenderMaterialStandardParameter
The RenderMaterialStandardParameter enumeration defines the parameter of the material standard.
Public enumerationRenderMaterialType
The RenderMaterialType enumeration defines the material type.
Public enumerationRenderMode
The RenderMode enumeration defines the rendering mode.
Public enumerationRenderPartitionType
The RenderPartitionType enumeration defines a partition type based on the kind of material assigned to surfaces.
The is used for example to select only a subset of surfaces when computing the axis aligned bounding box.
Public enumerationRenderPickerPickMaterialType
The RenderPickerPickMaterialType enumeration defines the type surface material assignment.
Public enumerationRenderPresentBuffer
The RenderPresentBuffer defines the blit destination buffer for presentation.
Public enumerationRenderRendererHookPoint
The RenderRendererHookPoint enumeration defines when the hook must be rendered in the rendering pipeline.
Public enumerationRenderSnapshotStereoMode
The RenderSnapshotStereoMode enumeration defines how the left and right rendering snapshots view vector are computed.
Public enumerationRenderSpotAttenuation
The RenderSpotAttenuation enumeration defines the behavior of the spot attenuation
Public enumerationRenderSunAuthoringDataUseCaseMode
The RenderSunAuthoringDataUseCaseMode enumeration defines how the sun position is computed in the sky.
Public enumerationRenderTransformGizmoMode
The RenderTransformGizmoMode enumeration defines the transformation mode of the transform gizmo.
Public enumerationRenderVerticalAlignment
The RenderVerticalAlignment defines the vertical layout alignment.
Public enumerationShadowQualityMode
The ShadowQualityMode enumeration defines the quality of the shadow maps.
Public enumerationShadowSmoothnessMode
The ShadowSmoothnessMode enumeration defines the smoothness of the shadow edges or the soft shadows quality.
Public enumerationTimeFlowMode
The TimeFlowMode enumeration defines how the time flow in the timeline player.