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RenderPartitions Properties

The RenderPartitions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAxfCpa2
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with axf cpa2 material would be drawn.
Public propertyEnvironment
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with environment material would be drawn.
Public propertyError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with error material would be drawn.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
Public propertyLabel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with label material would be drawn.
Public propertyMatte
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with matte material would be drawn.
Public propertyMirrorOpaque
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with mirror opaque material would be drawn.
Public propertyMirrorTransparent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with mirror transparent material would be drawn.
Public propertyMultiLayerOpaque
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with opaque multilayer material would be drawn.
Public propertyMultiLayerTransparent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with transparent multilayer material would be drawn.
Public propertyNull
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with null material would be drawn.
Public propertyPartitionType
Gets the partition type.
Public propertySeam
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with seam material would be drawn.
Public propertyShaper
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with shaper material would be drawn.
Public propertyStandardOpaque
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with standard opaque material would be drawn.
Public propertyStandardTransparent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether surfaces with standard transparent material would be drawn.
See Also