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Frustum3 Fields

The Frustum3 type exposes the following members.

Public fieldBottom
The distance in meters to the bottom plane.
Public fieldLeft
The distance in meters to the left plane.
Public fieldPlaneBottom
The bottom plane.
Public fieldPlaneLeft
The left plane.
Public fieldPlaneRight
The right plane.
Public fieldPlaneTop
The top plane.
Public fieldPlaneZero
The zero plane.
Public fieldPlaneZmax
The far plane.
Public fieldPlaneZmin
The near plane.
Public fieldPointPrp
The projection reference point. The point where the image is projected from, for parallel projection, the PRP is at infinity.
Public fieldPointZMaxBottomLeft
The bottom left point of the far plane.
Public fieldPointZMaxBottomRight
The bottom right point of the far plane.
Public fieldPointZMaxTopLeft
The top left point of the far plane.
Public fieldPointZMaxTopRight
The top right point of the far plane.
Public fieldPointZMinBottomLeft
The bottom left point of the near plane.
Public fieldPointZMinBottomRight
The bottom right point of the near plane.
Public fieldPointZMinTopLeft
The top left point of the near plane.
Public fieldPointZMinTopRight
The top right point of the near plane.
Public fieldRight
The distance in meters to the right plane.
Public fieldTop
The distance in meters to the top plane.
Public fieldUp
The view-up vector. The vector on the view plane that indicates the upward direction.
Public fieldZMax
The distance in meters to the far plane.
Public fieldZMin
The distance in meters to the near plane.
See Also