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RenderContext Properties

The RenderContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyGpuAffinity
Gets the GPU description for a GPU affinity context.
Public propertyIsDestroyed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is destroyed.
Public propertyIsFromCurrent
Gets a value indicating whether the context is created from an external OpenGL context.
Public propertyIsGpuAffinity
Gets a value indicating whether the context supports the GPU affinity.
Public propertyIsInitial
Gets a value indicating whether the context is the initial OpenGL context.
Public propertyIsStereo
Gets a value indicating whether the context supports stereo rendering.
Public propertyIsWindow
Gets a value indicating whether the context is attached to a window handle.
Public propertySwapGroup
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the window context belong to the swap group.
It means that along window context belonging to the swap group are synchronized during the buffer swaps.
Public propertyTotalGpuMemMb
Gets the total GPU memory in Mb.
Public propertyUsedGpuMemMb
Gets the GPU memory consumption in Mb used by the context.
Public propertyVerticalSync
Gets or sets a value indicating whether vertical synchronization is enabled.
See Also