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RenderSnapshooterParameters Properties

The RenderSnapshooterParameters type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlpha
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the snapshot image is filtered by the alpha component.
Public propertyHdrOutput
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the snapshot image is HDR.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
Public propertyMatting
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the background of snapshot image is removed using triangulation matting.
Public propertyMotionBlur
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the motion blur is enabled.
Enable this when you want to snapshot a video with motion blur.
WARNING: This parameter must be set to false when snapshooting an image.
Public propertyMotionBlurPreviousFramePointOfView
Gets or sets the motion blur previous frame point of view.
This value is modified internaly using the point of view defined by the snapshot given during the snapshooting.
Public propertySoftwareAntialiasing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the software antialiasing is enabled.
Public propertySuperSampling
Gets or sets the super sampling value.
See Also