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Vector2 Structure

The Vector2 structure represents a 2-dimensional vector.

Namespace:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop
Assembly:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop (in Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop.dll) Version:
public struct Vector2

The Vector2 type exposes the following members.

Public methodVector2
Initializes a new instance of the Vector2 structure with x and y coordinates.
Public propertyAbsolute
Gets the absolute values vector.
Public propertyInversed
Gets the inversed vector.
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of the vector.
Public propertyNegated
Gets the negated vector.
Public propertyNormalized
Gets the normalized vector.
Public propertySmallestComponentAxis
Gets the smallest component axis.
Public propertySquare
Gets the square length of the vector.
Public methodAdd
Add a vector to the vector.
Public methodAngle
Computes the angle between the two vectors.
Public methodClamp
Clamps the vector components between a minimum and a maximum values.
Public methodCrossProduct
Computes the cross product of the two vectors .
Public methodDivide(Single)
Divide the vector by a scalar.
Public methodDivide(Vector2)
Divide the vector by a vector.
Public methodDotProduct
Computes the dot product of the two vectors.
Public methodEqual
Tells if the two vector are equals.
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasAGreaterComponentThan
Determines whether the vector has a greater component than the specified vector.
Public methodHasASmallerComponentThan
Determines whether the vector has a smaller component than the specified vector.
Public methodMaximum
Gets the maximum vector values of the two vectors.
Public methodMinimum
Gets the minimum vector values of the two vectors.
Public methodMultiply(Single)
Multiply the vector by a scalar.
Public methodMultiply(Vector2)
Multiply the vector by a vector.
Public methodSubtract
Subtract a vector to the vector.
Public methodToString
Format the Vector2 to a String.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Add operator between two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr
Components divide operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision
Divide operator between a vector and a scalar.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Equal operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr
Cross product operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan
Greater than operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Difference operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan
Less than operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberModulus
Components multiply operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Single, Vector2)
Multiply operator between a scalar and a vector.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Vector2, Vector2)
Dot product operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Vector2, Single)
Multiply operator between a vector and a scalar.
Public operatorStatic memberOnesComplement
Normalize operator.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction
Subtract operator between the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Negate operator.
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryPlus
Plus operator.
Public fieldStatic memberOne
The one vector.
Public fieldX
Gets or sets the x-coordinate.
Public fieldStatic memberXAxis
The x-axis vector.
Public fieldY
Gets or sets the y-coordinate.
Public fieldStatic memberYAxis
The y-axis vector.
Public fieldStatic memberZero
The zero vector.
Version Information

Lumiscaphe Workshop SDK

Supported in: 7.0 release 1
See Also