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Aabb3 Properties

The Aabb3 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is initialized.
Public propertyItem
Bracket operator to get the minimum or maximum corner.
Public propertyMaxCorner
Gets the maximum corner of the bounding box.
Public propertyMinCorner
Gets the minimum corner of the bounding box.
Public propertyP0
Gets the bottom-left-front vertex of the bounding box (minimum corner).
Public propertyP1
Gets the bottom-left-back vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP2
Gets the top-left-front vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP3
Gets the bottom-right-front vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP4
Gets the top-right-front vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP5
Gets the bottom-right-back vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP6
Gets the top-left-back vertex of the bounding box.
Public propertyP7
Gets the top-right-back vertex of the bounding box (maximum corner).
Public propertySize
Gets the diagonal size of the bounding box.
See Also