Main View
The main view is identical to the normal product view when exploring a product. Use this view to change configuration elements, play animations, or change the point of view.
The name of the active configuration (preset or bookmark) is displayed in the upper left corner. This information is followed by an asterisk (*) when the active base configuration has been modified. This will occur, for example, when you change the value of a configuration parameter.
At the bottom of the screen, a menu gives access to product controls:
Views and groups of views. Select a view to activate it. If a three-sixty- or cube-type view is active, you can interact with the model in real time by clicking and dragging. This changes the point of view in all of the reference views as well.
Configuration bookmarks. Save a configuration bookmark based on the current configuration in the main view, or select a previously saved bookmark to load it in the main view. To load it in a reference view, drag and drop the bookmark onto the reference view.
Configurations presets. Select an option to enable it. This affects the configuration in the main view only. To load an option in a reference view, drag and drop the option onto the reference view.
Configuration parameters. Select an option to enable it. This affects the configuration in the main view only. To load an option in a reference view, drag and drop the option onto the reference view.
The menu at the top right of the screen includes access to the viewer options:
drop-down list allows you to switch the presentation mode.
When in two- or three-panel presentation modes, the
drop-down list appears. This list allows you to switch between a 4x4 configuration and a 1x2 configuration for the reference views.
The name of the current slide opens a drop-down menu that allows you to switch slides, to save the current configuration as the current slide, or to use the current configuration to save a new slide. For more information on slides, see Creating and Recalling Slides.
If your product has languages, they will appear in the
drop-down list. To change the language displayed, select a different language from the drop-down list. If your product does not have languages, this menu will be hidden.