Patchwork Explorer Enterprise 2022 X5

Measuring Tool

Available in: Shaper or Matter: Editors > Advanced > Measuring tool>

The Measuring Tool shows the distance between two points that you have chosen. This distance between these two points may thus be represented visually in the active view.


The Show the gizmos option must be checked to use the eyedroppers.

  • Click on the green eyedropper and select your starting point in the viewing window.

  • Click on the yellow eyedropper and designate the end point in the scene.

The result is displayed in the Distance field of the Measure zone at the bottom of the editor.


The distance is represented visually.

The Enable Depth Test function allows you to show the gizmos measuring the distance between measuring points in the scene without them being obscured by surfaces. Uncheck this parameter to display the points and the measurement above all the surfaces.