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RenderSceneManager Class

The RenderSceneManager class allows to create scenes, add products in a scene, modify the products properties and so on.
This class is used to manage all datas needed for the rendering.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop
Assembly:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop (in Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop.dll) Version:
public sealed class RenderSceneManager

The RenderSceneManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsDestroyed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is destroyed.
Public propertyLoadedDatabases
Gets the list of loaded database identifiers in the scene manager.
Public propertyLoadedMaterials
Gets the list of loaded materials identifiers in the scene manager.
Public propertyResources
Gets the OpenGL resources.
Public propertyScenes
Gets the list of scenes created in the scene manager.
Public methodAabb
Gets the axis aligned bounding box of a scene according to the given surface material partition.
Public methodAddDatabase(DataDatabase, Boolean)
Adds a database.
Public methodAddDatabase(DataDatabase, Boolean, PatchworkEdition)
Adds a database.
Public methodAddLabel
Adds the label on the specified scene surface.
Public methodAddMaterial
Adds a material.
Public methodAddProduct(SceneGuid, DataDatabaseGuid, DataProductGuid)
Adds a product from a loaded database in a scene.
Public methodAddProduct(SceneGuid, DataDatabaseGuid, DataProductGuid, NewProductOptions)
Adds a product from a loaded database in a scene.
Public methodApplyDefaultSensor
Applies the default sensor to a scene.
Public methodApplySensor
Applies a sensor to a scene.
Public methodBeginUpdate
Begins updating a scene.
Some methods can rebuild the scene at each call. Use BeginUpdate method to disable the scene rebuild until EndUpdate is called.
Public methodClippingPlanes
Returns an object that can be used to define and enable clipping planes in a scene.
Public methodConfiguration
Gets the current configuration string of a scene product in a scene.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates the scene manager using the specified parameters.
Public methodCreateScene
Creates a scene.
Public methodDataDatabase
Gets the DataDatabase(SceneGuid, SceneProductGuid) corresponding to a scene product.
Public methodDataMaterial
Gets the DataMaterial(DataMaterialGuid) corresponding to a data material identifier.
Public methodDataProduct
Gets the DataProduct(SceneGuid, SceneProductGuid) corresponding to a scene product.
Public methodDataSurface
Gets the data surface identifier corresponding to the scene surface identifier.
Public methodDepthOfFieldParameters
Gets the depth of field parameters of a scene.
Public methodDepthPolicy
Gets the depth policy of a scene.
Public methodDestroy
Destroys the scene manager.
Public methodDestroyGpuCache
Destroys the Gpu cache associated to a database.
Public methodDestroyScene
Destroys a scene.
Public methodEndUpdate
Ends updating a scene.
It must be used when BeginUpdate has been called earlier. EndUpdate will force the scene rebuild after a batch operation on the scene.
Public methodEnvironmentPartitionBehavior
Set the EnvironmentPartitionBehavior option.
Public methodEnvironmentRebuild
Gets the environment rebuild option.
Public methodEnvironmentRebuildPolicy
Set the EnvironmentRebuildPolicy option.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindSurfacesByLabel
Gets a list of scene surface identifiers matching a label identifier.
Public methodFindSurfacesByMaterial
Gets a list of scene surface identifiers matching a material identifier.
Public methodFindSurfacesByPartitionType
Gets a list of scene surface identifiers matching a render partition type.
Public methodFindSurfacesByTag
Gets a list of scene surface identifiers matching a surface tag.
Public methodGetAllTags
Gets a list of all tags of a scene.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetKinematicsParent
Get the parent of a surface in kinematic tree.
Public methodGetMaster
Gets the scene master product.
Public methodGetSurfaceLabel
Get the label of a specified scene surface.
Public methodGetSurfaceMeshTriangles
Public methodGetSurfaceMeshVertices
Public methodGetSurfacesColors
Public methodGetSurfaceTags
Gets a list of all tags of a specified scene surface.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVisible
Gets the visibility of a scene product.
Public methodHasMaterial
Determines whether the data material is added to the scene manager.
Public methodHasProduct
Determines whether a scene has a product.
Public methodHasScene
Determines whether the scene manager has a scene.
Public methodIsDatabaseUsed
Determines whether a product attached to the specified database is opened in a scene.
Public methodLabelTransform
Gets the label transform.
Public methodMotionBlurParameters
Gets the motion blur parameters of a scene.
Public methodOverrideEnvironmentOrientation
Override the environment orientation.
Public methodPlayer
Gets the TimelinePlayer of a scene.
Public methodProductAabb
Gets the axis aligned bounding box of a scene product according to the given surface material partition.
Public methodProducts
Gets the list of all product scene identifiers from a scene.
Public methodRemoveDatabase
Removes the database.
Public methodRemoveMaterial
Removes the material.
Public methodRemoveProduct
Removes a product from a scene.
Public methodRestoreDefaultBackground
Restores the default background of a scene.
Public methodRestoreDefaultOverlay
Restores the default overlay of a scene.
Public methodRestoreDefaultPostProcess
Restores the default post process of a scene.
Public methodSceneNulls
Gets a list of all scene nulls identifier of a scene.
Public methodSceneProductId
Gets the scenes product identifier form the user product identifier.
Public methodSceneSurface
Gets the scene surface identifier corresponding to the data surface identifier.
Public methodSceneSurfaces
Gets a list of all scene surfaces identifier of a scene.
Public methodSetBackground(SceneGuid, DataBackgroundGuid)
Sets a background of a scene.
Public methodSetBackground(SceneGuid, RenderBackground)
Sets a background of a scene.
Public methodSetConfiguration
Sets the configuration of a scene product in a scene.
Public methodSetDepthOfFieldParameters
Sets the depth of field parameters of a scene.
Public methodSetDepthPolicy
Sets the depth policy of a scene.
Public methodSetEnvironmentPartitionBehavior
Set the EnvironmentPartitionBehavior option.
Public methodSetEnvironmentRebuild
Sets the environment rebuild option.
Public methodSetEnvironmentRebuildPolicy
Set the EnvironmentRebuildPolicy option.
Public methodSetIntersectingProduct
Public methodSetIntersectionAlgorithm
Public methodSetIntersectionColor
Public methodSetLabel
Replace the old label with the new label on the specified scene surface.
Public methodSetLabelTransform
Sets the label transform.
Public methodSetMaster
Sets the scene product as master.
Setting the scene product as master means that its environment, post processes, overlay and background will be used for the scene rendering.
A scene must always have a master product. No guaranty of this is given if the master product is removed from the scene. You have to set another product as master.
Public methodSetMaterial
Sets the material on the specified scene surface.
Public methodSetMotionBlurParameters
Sets the motion blur parameters of a scene.
Public methodSetOverlay
Sets an overlay of a scene.
Public methodSetPostProcess
Sets a post process of a scene.
Public methodSetProgress
Sets a progress delegate for feedback during product loading and configuration change on a specific scene.
Public methodSetSpotData
Sets the spot datas.
Public methodSetSSAOParameters
Sets the motion blur parameters of a scene.
Public methodSetSunData
Sets the sun datas.
Public methodSetSurfaceColor
Public methodSetSurfaceHighlighting
Public methodSetSurfaceLocalToPivotTransform
Sets the local to pivot transformation of a scene surface.
Public methodSetSurfacePivotToParentTransform
Sets the pivot to parent transformation of a scene surface.
Public methodSetSurfacesColors
Public methodSetSurfaceVisibility
Public methodSetTransform
Sets the world transformation of a scene product.
Public methodSetUserProductId
Sets a user product identifier on a scene product.
Public methodSetVisible
Sets the visibility of a scene product.
Public methodSpotData
Gets the spot datas.
Public methodSSAOParameters
Gets the motion blur parameters of a scene.
Public methodStatistics
Gets the statistics of a specified scene.
Public methodSunData
Gets the sun datas.
Public methodSurfaceAabb
Gets the axis aligned bounding box of a scene surface.
Public methodSurfaceAbsoluteTransform
Gets the absolute transformation of a scene surface.
Public methodSurfaceLocalToPivotTransform
Public methodSurfacePivotToParentTransform
Gets the pivot to parent transformation of a scene surface.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Gets the world transformation of a scene product.
Public methodUpdateSurfaceMeshVertices
Public methodUserProductId
Gets the user product identifier from the scene product identifier.
Version Information

Lumiscaphe Workshop SDK

Supported in: 7.0 release 1
See Also