Complementary Panel
The complementary panel is displayed only in the three-panel presentation mode . This panel, situated to the right of the main view, displays an image associated with the active reference view. This image must be selected from the images available in Lumis 3D and assigned to a reference view.
The complementary panel occupies 10% of the width of the screen. To ensure that your image is not stretched or distorted, use an aspect ratio compatible with 10% of the viewing width and 100% of the viewing height of your presentation screen. The actual ratio will depend on the particular screen used for the product line review.
You can:
Set an image for a reference view by clicking on the
Image button in the reference view. Each reference view can be associated with a different image. You can select any image file available in Lumis 3D.
Change the active reference view by clicking on the view you want to make active. The document displayed in the complementary panel changes as well.
How to: Set an image to display the complementary panel of a product line review
Open a product line review:
Double click on the product line review to open it. If you have editing rights for this product line review, this will open the editor. Click on Explore at the top right of the page. If you do not have editing rights for this product line review, the explore mode will display immediately.
Select the three-panel presentation mode
from the drop-down menu that appears.
Click on the
Image button in one of the reference views in the left-hand section of the display. The Viewport window opens.
Choose the image file you would like to display in the complementary panel on the right-hand side of the display. Any image available in Lumis 3D can be used.
The image will be stretched to fit the complementary panel. For best results, use an image with an aspect ratio (height and width) corresponding to 100% of the height and 10% of the width of the display that you will use for the product line review.
How to: Switch images displayed in the complementary panel during a product line review
You must already have a product line review open. The product line review must be set to three-panel mode , and images must already be set for the reference views in the left-hand section of the display.
Click on a reference view to activate it. The image in the complementary panel changes to display the image associated with the active reference view.
Click on a different reference view. The image in the complementary panel changes again.