Lumis 3D Enterprise 2022

Uploading Content

Content is uploaded to a space. To create or share content, begin by uploading items from your computer.


How to: Upload a file

  1. From within any space where you have writing rights, click on the image22.png upload button at the top right, below the search box.

  2. The file upload window will open. Choose the file you want to upload and select Open. You can also upload files by dragging them from the desktop or from a Windows folder.

  3. Drop them on the white space where the items in the current folder are listed.

The uploaded files appear in the current folder.


How to: Upload a folder

From within any space where you have writing rights, click on the image23.png upload button at the top right, below the search box.

  1. The folder upload window will open. Choose the folder you want to upload and select Open. You can also upload folders by dragging them from the desktop or from a Windows folder.

  2. Drop them on the white space where the items in the current folder are listed.

The uploaded folders appear in the current folder. Inside the uploaded folder, you will find the files it contained on your computer, as well as any sub-folders that also contain files. Sub-folders that contain no files will not be uploaded.

You can upload and share any type of content you would like.

In addition to simple file sharing, Lumis 3D provides interactive tools for:

  • Models in KDR/P3D format,

  • Layouts in KPL format,

  • Materials in KMT format,

  • Images,

  • Videos,

  • Text files,

  • PDFs.