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Patchwork Explorer 2024 X7

Compare multiple products


All the features described below may not be present in your software edition: Community, Premium, Essential, or Enterprise.

The main function of Patchwork Explorer is the comparison of different versions of your products. Patchwork Explorer provides the tools that allow the main viewport to be divided into several viewports, all while preserving the real-time interactivity of each viewport.

Tools for configuring predefined views are accessible from the View manager or from the menu View > Configuration from the main window.

From the viewport manager.

From the View Manager.

From the Viewport menu.

From the View menu.

To illustrate this, we will compare the product AeroSeat Blue at AeroSeat Peach.

  1. First click on the view button 2X1 in the View manager.

    2x1 view button.

    View button 2x1 (Enterprise edition).


    View button 2x1 (Community edition) .

  2. Then drag / drop the product thumbnail AeroSeat Peach in the right part of the 3D viewing area. Both products are then displayed in the main window.

    2×1 view.

    2 × 1 view.

    You can use the other predefined view configurations depending on the type and number of products you want to compare.

    3×1 view.

    3 × 1 view.