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Patchwork Explorer 2024 X7

Importing products


All the features described below may not be present in your software edition: Community, Premium, Essential, or Enterprise.

The first step consists of loading into Patchwork Explorer the KDR file previously created in Patchwork 3D Enterprise in which are located the different products you want to compare.

To do this, go to the File menu, click on Open or use Ctrl + L keys, then load the KDR file you want to use.


For this tutorial, we will use the AeroSeat.kdr database which you can download here.

Opening a .kdr file in Patchwork Explorer.

Open a KDR file in Patchwork Explorer.

The floating Viewport Manager window will appear on the screen. This window displays the list of products contained in the imported database, but also the functionalities relating to the products, the organization of the views, as well as the positioning of the observation point.

Floating Viewport Manager window

Floating Viewport Manager window (Enterprise edition).


Floating Viewport Manager window (Community & Premium editions).


It is possible to show or hide this window from the Viewport Manager in the Editors menu from the main window or via the keyboard shortcut M.