New Features in the 2023 X6 Version
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Addition of the possibility to display and/or edit the view of a camera directly in the viewport.
Addition of the possibility to shift the camera lens.
Addition of the possibility to configure the rendering of your model directly in the viewport.
Addition of the possibility to keep the same aspect ratio between the active viewport of Matter and Shaper.
Addition of the possibility to confirm the save.
Addition of the possibility to search and filter results in lists.
Addition of the possibility to detach the kinematics hierarchy from the Shaper sidebar and expand/collapse it.
Addition of the possibility to expand/collapse the cameras tree.
Integration of the new version of HDR Light Studio 4.2 and added rim lighting functionality and the preview window.
Addition of the possibility to animate camera bookmarks with the following effects: Ease in, Ease out, Ease in and out.
Addition of the possibility to select all type objects "axis", "cameras", "null", etc... of your model.