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Matrix4 Structure

The Matrix4 structure represents a 4x4 matrix stored in column major.

Namespace:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop
Assembly:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop (in Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop.dll) Version:
public struct Matrix4

The Matrix4 type exposes the following members.

Public methodMatrix4
Initializes a new instance of the Matrix4 structure.
Public propertyDeterminant
Gets the matrix determinant.
Public propertyEulerOrientation
Gets the matrix euler orientation.
Public propertyInversed
Gets the inversed matrix.
Public propertyItemInt32
Bracket operator to get the item at a specified index. The matrix component are accessed in column major.
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32
Bracket operator to get the item at a specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyNegated
Gets the negated matrix.
Public propertyNormalTransform
Gets the normal transform matrix.
Public propertyScaling
Gets the matrix scaling.
Public propertyTranslation
Gets the matrix translation vector.
Public propertyTransposed
Gets the transposed matrix.
Public propertyWithoutScaling
Gets the matrix without scaling.
Public propertyWithoutTranslation
Gets the matrix without translation.
Public methodAdd
Add a matrix to the matrix.
Public methodDivide
Divide the matrix by a scalar.
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHomogeneousProduct(Vector3)
Homogeneous multiplication of a Vector3 by the matrix.
Public methodHomogeneousProduct(Vector4)
Homogeneous multiplication of a Vector4 by the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitEulerOrientation
Initializes a rotation matrix from Euler angles.
Public methodStatic memberInitInverse
Initializes the inverse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitNormalTransform
Initializes a normal transform matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitOpenGLLookat
Initializes an OpenGL view matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitOpenGLOrthographicProjection(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Initializes an OpenGL orthographic projection matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitOpenGLOrthographicProjection(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Initializes an OpenGL orthographic projection matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitOpenGLPerspectiveProjection(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Initializes an OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitOpenGLPerspectiveProjection(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Initializes an OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitQuaternion
Initializes a matrix from a quaternion.
Public methodStatic memberInitRotationAxe
Initializes a rotation matrix around a specific axe.
Public methodStatic memberInitRotationFromVectors
Initializes the rotation matrix between two vectors.
Public methodStatic memberInitRotationX
Initializes a rotation matrix around the x-axis.
Public methodStatic memberInitRotationY
Initializes a rotation matrix around the y-axis.
Public methodStatic memberInitRotationZ
Initializes a rotation matrix around the z-axis.
Public methodStatic memberInitScaling
Initializes a scaling matrix.
Public methodStatic memberInitTransformation(Vector3, Matrix4, Vector3)
Initializes a transformation matrix from a rotation matrix and a scaling and translation vectors.
Public methodStatic memberInitTransformation(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Initializes a transformation matrix from a scaling, Euler angles and translation vectors.
Public methodStatic memberInitTranslation
Initializes a translation matrix.
Public methodProduct(Single)
Multiply the matrix by a scalar.
Public methodProduct(Matrix4)
Multiply the matrix by a matrix.
Public methodProduct(Vector3)
Multiply a Vector3 by the matrix.
Public methodProduct(Vector4)
Multiply a Vector4 by the matrix.
Public methodSubtract
Subtract a matrix to the matrix.
Public methodToString
Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Add operator between two matrices.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision
Divide operator between a matrix and a scalar.
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(Matrix4, Vector3)
Homogeneous multiply operator between a matrix and a Vector3.
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(Matrix4, Vector4)
Homogeneous multiply operator between a matrix and a Vector4.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Single, Matrix4)
Multiply operator between a scalar and a matrix.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Matrix4, Matrix4)
Multiply operator between two matrices.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Matrix4, Vector3)
Multiply operator between a matrix and a Vector3.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Matrix4, Vector4)
Multiply operator between a matrix and a Vector4.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Matrix4, Single)
Multiply operator between a matrix and a scalar.
Public operatorStatic memberOnesComplement
Transpose operator
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction
Subtract operator between two matrices.
Public fieldStatic memberIdentity
The identity 4x4 matrix
Public fieldM00
The [0, 0] or [0] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM01
The [0, 1] or [1] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM02
The [0, 2] or [2] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM03
The [0, 3] or [3] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM10
The [1, 0] or [4] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM11
The [1, 1] or [5] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM12
The [1, 2] or [6] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM13
The [1, 3] or [7] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM20
The [2, 0] or [8] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM21
The [2, 1] or [9] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM22
The [2, 2] or [10] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM23
The [2, 3] or [11] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM30
The [3, 0] or [12] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM31
The [3, 1] or [13] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM32
The [3, 2] or [14] element of the matrix.
Public fieldM33
The [3, 3] or [15] element of the matrix.
Version Information

Lumiscaphe Workshop SDK

Supported in: 7.0 release 1
See Also