Patchwork Explorer Enterprise 2021.1 X5

Loading Multiple Products in a Single Viewport


This feature requires the "Layout" license option.

Access: Viewport Manager window > Ctrl + Drag and Drop

To load multiple products in the same viewport, begin by loading the first product normally (drag-and-drop or double click). This product will become the main product or the “master” product. The “master” product is the product with the environment attributes and post-processing that you want to apply to your scene. Regardless of the order in which you load your products, you are free to modify the “master” product at any time in the Product Manager.

Load multiple products by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping the subsequent products onto the viewport. You can load multiple instances of a single product, multiple products from a single file, or products from various databases if you have opened multiple databases.

Additional products will be placed at the point onto which they are dropped. You can place a product on the reference grid's plane, or on a surface of another product in the layout. If the cursor points to another product's surface when you drop the product you are adding, the new product will be placed on that surface. In this case, the new product's pivot will be oriented so that its Y-axis ("up") is aligned with the surface's normal. Pivot placement and orientation, as well as the recalculation of surface normals, must be set in Patchwork 3D Enterprise or Patchwork 3D Engineering prior to exporting the products.

The position and the orientation of the products in a layout can be modified once the product has been loaded. To do this, use the translation and rotation gizmos. These gizmos are available:


Don't forget to save the layout of the scene that you're creating. Ctrl+S will save the layout as a .kpl file.

Duplicating Products Already Loaded

Products already present in a scene can also be duplicated. The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste) will work on any selected product in your scene.

Products can also be duplicated when using the translation gizmo. Instead of clicking and dragging to move the product, hold down the Ctrl key when clicking and dragging. This will move the product, but will also create a duplicate of the product at the product's original location.