Patchwork 3D Community 2020.2 X4



Lumiscaphe’s Patchwork 3D software suite enables organizations to convert their original CAD data to Digital Aspect Mockups (DAMs) or to static images and dynamic renderings while maintaining complete in-house control over the process. Permanent data access is assured through local storage.

Patchwork 3D Community is a full software and free to use for non-commercial use.

It is particularly suited for:

  • people who need to evaluate the software on a longer period than the three weeks of Enterprise evaluation license.

  • for students and trainers to learn by themselves without or before contracting our Education program, Lumi'School.

  • for graduates and former Enterprise Users searching for a job.

  • freelancers and users of small businesses, who need to advise customers or bosses.

For assistance, use the public forum. You will find there tips and tricks that will help you. Stay tuned by subscribing to the newsletter or following us on Youtube and Twitter.

Patchwork 3D Premium, for its part, is intended for commercial use. You must acquire a Patchwork 3D Premium license to use it.

Patchwork 3D Enterprise is a complete DAM production tool built to meet the needs of the design.

Used for product development during the design phases, Patchwork 3D Enterprise provides a range of effective tools for working in real time on the style, colors and materials of the product.

The Patchwork 3D interface is divided into two modules:

  • Shaper provides all the features required for importing, optimizing, and preparing 3D models.

  • Matter provides the tools used to create a DAM through aspect dressing and the creation of a scene around a model, including but not limited to the creation and modification of materials.