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Patchwork 3D Community 2022 X5

Export KDR

Accessible in: Matter: Product > Export

In order to be used with the Lumiscaphe software suite of 3D visualization tools, the raw authoring data must be exported as a Digital Aspect Mockup (DAM) in the format KDR. This format contains only the data required by the rendering engine in order to display the product variants and configurations created in Patchwork 3D. The image underlying the relief in texture is no longer present; only the resulting calculations needed to display a material using that texture are conserved. Consequently, authoring is not supported in this format. The KDR is optimized to load more quickly: unlike the .p3d format, in which the displayed images must be calculated when the file is opened, the data in the KDR can be transmitted directly to the graphics card without further treatment.

The Digital Aspect Mockup may then be used as-is in any of the Lumiscaphe visualization solutions.

Depending on the case, the addition of new features in Patchwork 3D has an impact on the data to be exported in KDR format. To clearly identify which KDR format works with the version of Patchwork 3D, X i has been added in the software naming.

  • If adding the features in Patchwork 3D do not modify the KDR format, we could have the following examples: Patchwork 3D 8.3 X2, Patchwork 3D 8.4 X2, Patchwork 3D 8.5 X2 , and so on.

  • However, if adding the features in Patchwork 3D modify the KDR format, we could have the following examples: Patchwork 3D 8.3 X2, Patchwork 3D 8.4 X3, Patchwork 3D 8.5 X4 , and so on.

When exporting a product in KDR format you will have the ability to export:

  • The current version of KDR> KDR. In the Export to KDR Xi window that appears, type the name of the file under which you want to save it.


A lower version means better compatibility with other software, but fewer features supported. A higher version means more features supported, but the compatibility with other software might be broken.

The table below lists the supported format(s) according to software versions.





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