Actions in Matter
In Matter, dressing a model can include tasks like the following:
Create a product and open it in a viewport,
Create a material and apply it to a surface of your product,
Import a texture and use it as a background, as relief or as a pattern in a material,
Use materials to create the shadow of your product,
Use materials to create reflective or transparent surfaces,
Add a lighting environment,
Use a lighting environment as a visual on a skydome,
Set up points of view using cameras,
Add backgrounds, overlays, and 2D post-processing;
Add configurability to your product:
Create geometry, position, lighting, environment, and aspect layers,
Create configuration rules that impose the conditions under which each layer should be displayed,
Save combinations of rule states (and, consequently, layer combinations) as configuration bookmarks.
Add a real-time light to your product,
Animate the product;
Render with raytracing for true-to-life distortions wherever light is reflected or refracted,
Generate high-definition images or videos;