| RenderPartitionType Enumeration |
The RenderPartitionType enumeration defines a partition type based on the kind of material assigned to surfaces.
The is used for example to select only a subset of surfaces when computing the axis aligned bounding box.
Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop (in Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop.dll) Version:
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum RenderPartitionType
public enum class RenderPartitionType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
Nothing is selected.
| Error | 1 |
Select surfaces with error material assigned.
| Null | 2 |
Select surfaces with null material assigned.
| StandardOpaque | 4 |
Select surfaces with standard opaque material assigned.
| StandardTransparent | 8 |
Select surfaces with standard transparent material assigned.
| Seam | 16 |
Select surfaces with seam material assigned.
| Matte | 32 |
Select surfaces with matte material assigned.
| Environment | 64 |
Select surfaces with environment material assigned.
| MirrorOpaque | 128 |
Select surfaces with mirror opaque material assigned.
| MirrorTransparent | 256 |
Select surfaces with mirror transparent material assigned.
| MultilayerOpaque | 512 |
Select surfaces with multilayer opaque material assigned.
| MultilayerTransparent | 1024 |
Select surfaces with multilayer transparent material assigned.
| Shaper | 2048 |
Select surfaces with shaper material assigned.
| AxfCpa2 | 4096 |
Select surfaces with axf cpa2 material assigned.
| Label | 8192 |
Select surfaces with label material assigned.
Version Information Lumiscaphe Workshop SDK
Supported in: 7.0 release 1
See Also