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RenderDepthRangeMode Enumeration

The RenderDepthRangeMode enumeration defines the depth strategy to compute the near and far clipping planes.

Namespace:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop
Assembly:  Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop (in Lumiscaphe.Workshop.Interop.dll) Version:
public enum RenderDepthRangeMode
  Member nameValueDescription
FrustumBased0 The depth strategy is defined by the frustum.
FixedDepthRange1 The depth strategy is defined by a fixed depth range.
LookAtPointBasedInterest2 The depth strategy is defined by the distance to the target point.
UseGlobalPolicy3 Use the global depth policy.
Version Information

Lumiscaphe Workshop SDK

Supported in: 7.0 release 1
See Also