Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Bézier Curve Position and Orientation

The position and orientation of the curve, as well as those of its points and tangents, can be modified using the translation and rotation gizmos.

  • Use the translation or rotation gizmos to manipulate the entire curve if no specific point or tangent is selected.

  • When a point is selected, the translation gizmo moves the point in the 3D space; the rotation gizmo changes the orientation of its tangent.

When a tangent's endpoint is selected, the translation gizmo moves the endpoint in the 3D space; the rotation gizmo has no effect.


By holding down the Ctrl key of the keyboard you can move the direction point (end of the tangent) regardless of the other direction point.image895.png



By holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys of the keyboard you can change the length of one side of the tangent while keeping the same axis for both sides.


Multiple points on a single curve can be selected and repositioned at the same time. However, only one curve or only one tangent endpoint may be selected and repositioned at a time.