Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Specific Settings for VR Objects

Available in: Matter: Snapshot > Snapshot VR Object

VR Objects produces a 3D image of the product. In this 3D image, the camera is stationary. The object is posed on a plane that turns at regular intervals of time. This allows you to view the object from every angle, with the ability to examine every detail.

Once the desired settings have been indicated, the Render button initiates the creation of the image files that constitute the VR object.


During rendering, a dialogue box is displayed to show the progression of the creation of the VR object files. At any time, you can pause the progression by clicking the Pause button, or cancel it by clicking on the Cancel button. If you have paused the rendering, start it again by clicking on Resume.

The Viewer button at the bottom of this dialogue box opens a frame viewing window.

Preview Frame Zone

The Preview Frame zone allows you to preview each frame of the camera’s path around the object by moving the slider along the bar.

This preview allows you to check the point of observation. By default, the product is observed with a very large field of view. You can modify the point of observation at any time, either in the active viewport or with the tools in the Camera Path zone. To apply a modification to the point of observation, click the Acquire button in the Camera Path zone.

Camera Path Zone

The Camera Path Zone defines the camera’s position and its path.

To create a VR object, a series of images is generated, in which each image is taken from a point on a circle around a central point. Center values are used to position this central point relative to the origin of the coordinate system. The Radius value establishes the distance between the camera and this central point.

The value FovY in degrees provides the vertical field of view.

If you have made changes, click on the Acquire button in order to validate and apply these settings.

VR Object Settings

The VR object settings establish:

  • The Pan Range: frames can be created either for a complete circle on a horizontal plane (the checkbox Complete Loop is ticked by default) or for a limited arc only. In this latter case, you must supply the angles between which your product will be observed.

  • The Tilt Range: frames can be created to form a circle on a horizontal plane around the camera path’s central point or to form a sphere or portion of a sphere around this same point. In these latter cases, you must supply the angles between which your product can be viewed. By default, the camera angles cover a full sphere. The viewing angles range from -90 degrees (the negative Y axis) to +90 degrees (the positive Y axis).

  • The Number of Frames: frames can be created closer together or farther apart along the camera path. Pan provides the number of frames along the circle on the horizontal plane. Tilt provides the number of frames between the top and bottom angles, if you have defined a vertical plane.