Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Timelines (Editor)

Available in: Matter: Editors > Timelines

Timelines image118.png is an editor used to develop animation sequences, called "timelines." From this editor, you can create, duplicate, rename, and delete timelines. You can also add, remove, and modify elements in the different animation tracks of each timeline. When played back, the animated result will be displayed in the current active viewport in the main interface of Patchwork 3D.

The Timelines editor is divided into two sections: the timeline editing area to the left, and the libraries to the right. The Timeline box is the editing area. It contains the playback and time controls, as well as the animation tracks and their content. The libraries are organized into tabs for each type of item:

Use the arrows in the upper right corner of the library zone to scroll through the tabs.