Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Snapshots Box

The box Snapshots contains the list of all the captures awaiting rendering. It is fed from the various capture editors ( Snapshot Image, Snapshot Video, Snapshot VR object, or Snapshot Cubic VR Panorama ).


The list of captures is associated with the active viewport. When the active viewport is changed, the snapshots corresponding to that viewport or product are no longer shown, though they remain in memory. Reactivate the original viewport to recover the corresponding snapshots.

The Snapshots box contains a list organized into four columns. Each row of the list represents a snapshot.

  • The selection column shows an icon of a checked box when the snapshot is selected. Selected snapshots will be rendered by the batcher when the rendering is launched.

  • The Name column shows the name of the snapshot. This name is either provided by the user or automatically assigned by the batcher. During rendering, this name will become the filename.

  • The image column displays a miniature image of the snapshot to be rendered. The rendering engine that will be used (OpenGL or Raytracing) is indicated on the upper part of the miniature. In the lower right-hand corner, a symbol represents the type of snapshot.

  • The Parameters column provides the following information:

    • image size,

    • file format,

    • snapshot type,

    • render engine used for the snapshot (OpenGL or Raytracing) and engine specific options,

The list of snapshots can be ordered alphabetically by column by clicking on the column header.

Double-clicking on a snapshot in the Snapshots box restores the snapshot in the active viewport with that of the snapshot and opens the editor that produced the snapshot. According to the type of snapshot created, the following information, saved at the moment the snapshot was taken, is restored.

Type of snapshot


Image snapshot

  • image size,

  • render engine used for the snapshot (OpenGL or Raytracing) and engine specific options,

  • point of view, camera specific parameters and depth of field,

  • product’s aspect, position, environment, overlay, and geometry layer visibility,

  • clipping planes and real-time sun settings.

Video snapshot

  • image size,

  • render engine used for the snapshot (OpenGL or Raytracing) and engine specific options,

  • animation frame rate,

  • camera path and specific options,

  • product’s aspect, position, environment, overlay, and geometry layer visibility,

  • clipping planes and real-time sun settings.

Cubic VR panorama snapshot

  • render size,

  • render engine used for the snapshot (OpenGL or Raytracing) and engine specific options,

  • cubic VR panorama specific options,

  • product’s aspect, position, environment, overlay, and geometry layer visibility,

  • clipping planes and real-time sun settings.

Snapshot VR Object

  • image size,

  • render engine used for the snapshot (OpenGL or Raytracing) and engine specific options,

  • camera path,

  • VR Object specific options,

  • product’s aspect, position, environment, overlay, and geometry layer visibility,

  • clipping planes and real-time sun settings.

Selecting Snapshots

The Snapshot Batcher differentiates between the current active snapshot and the captures selected for rendering.

The current active snapshot is designated by clicking on it. It is shown with a light gray background or surrounded by a dotted border.

The selected snapshots are marked with the active16x16_1.png selection icon in the Snapshots box.

To select or deselect a snapshot, click within the space of the first column to show or hide the selection icon.

Snapshot Context Menu

Right-clicking on one of the snapshots brings up the Snapshot context menu.

This menu, which affects the current active snapshot, allows the user to:



Render current snapshot item

Clicking on this option opens the Save options dialogue box containing the save settings. This rendering operation does not delete the snapshot from the Snapshot Batcher.

Duplicate snapshot

The text "Copy" is added to the name of the duplicate snapshots.

Rename snapshot

You cannot have multiple snapshots with the same name.

Delete snapshot

The programmed capture will be deleted.