Stopping Distributed Rendering
The rendering in progress can be stopped at any time by clicking the Stop button. A window opens to offer you the choice of how to proceed:
Option | Description |
Continue | Restart the calculation of the illumination for the remaining surfaces. Data may be transferred to the rendering machine. |
Keep | Abandon the calculation for the remaining surfaces, but display the illumination that has already been calculated. |
Discard | Abandon the calculation for the remaining surfaces and do not display the illumination that has already been calculated. This option will restore the previous illumination. |

Three options are available when the rendering has been stopped: Continue, Keep, and Discard.
During the rendering, the model’s surfaces whose lightmap is being rendered are displayed in white and in wireframe mode. Surfaces whose lightmap has not been rendered yet are displayed in red. Once rendered, a lightmap is displayed on the model.