Installing Patchwork 3D on a Computer User
This process installs Patchwork 3D on a location of your choosing. It creates a listing in the Start menu > Programs > Lumiscaphe folder and places a shortcut icon on the desktop.
You will need:
Administrator privileges on the computer where you intend to install Patchwork 3D.
The software’s .msi installation file.
We strongly advise running the .msi executable file locally, that is, saving it to the computer you wish to install the software on before running it. You can place it on the desktop or in any other folder on your computer.
Run the .msi executable file for Patchwork 3D by double-clicking on it. Unless you have deactivated alerts, Windows will ask if you want to execute this file. Click the Execute button.
A wizard will guide you through the following steps of the installation.
Computation of space requirements. The installer will verify that there is enough space on your hard drive to install the software. Once this automated step is complete, you will be asked to click Next in order to proceed.
Presentation of the end user license agreement. Read the end user license agreement carefully. You must accept the terms of this contract and check the box I accept the terms of the license agreement in order to continue with the installation. At this point, you also have the opportunity to print the license agreement. Click on Next to continue.
Choice of destination folder. By default, the installation wizard will install Patchwork 3D in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Lumiscaphe\Patchwork 3D 2020.2 X4 release 1\
If you would like to install it elsewhere on your computer, click the Change… button and select or create a new folder for the installation. If you know the directory path of the folder you would like to use, you may also type it in. Click Next to continue.
Validation. Click Install to continue or, if you want to make changes in the previous steps, click Back. You can also cancel the installation by clicking on the Cancelbutton.
Installation. A status bar keeps you informed of the progress of the installation. When the installation is complete, click Finish to close the installation wizard.