Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

New Features in the 2020.2 X4 Version

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New features

  • Imports have been reworked and improved so that you can:

    • import the colors of the surfaces and the materials applied,

    • import the tree structure of geometry layers,

    • define the threshold from which the surfaces will be stitched (improvement of the stitch algorithm).

  • The FBX export has been improved for a better export of materials with all their textures, as well as to allow to choose between the export of the kinematic hierarchy and the tree structure of geometry layers.

  • Addition of the possibility of scale selected surfaces and to apply or not this modification on their UV mapping.

  • Addition of the possibility to randomize the color of the highlighted surface(s).


  • User experience improvements for importing CAD files such as (Catia / NX / SolidWorks / Pro E / Step / Iges / FBX) by gathering the import parameters in a new single window.