Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4


The Geometry properties of the surface:

  • Its scale initially defined on importing,

The scale of a surface is the same used in the CAD tool used to model the surface. The scale of a surface is generally detected automatically during the CAD import. However, it can be subsequently modified.

  • The number of points and triangles used to represent it.

The number of points and the number of triangles give information regarding the fineness of the lattice structure used to represent the surface.

The Symmetry properties of the surface:

  • Whether the symmetry is enabled or not,

  • The plane of symmetry (XY, YZ, ZX),

  • The position of the plane of symmetry.

The Animated Mesh properties of the surface:

  • The default frame to display, if the surface is an animated mesh. The frame corresponding to the slider position is used as the default visual for the surface. The frame number is also displayed to the left.