Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

General Properties

General Properties can be applied to all global or local environments.

General Properties:




Displays the name of the environment. This name can be changed by providing a new name in this field. Use the Enter key to validate any changes.


Allows you to change the gamma value of your image. Useful in some cases for correcting the gamma value of the imported HDRI image.


Allows you to adjust the color saturation of the environment image. Its value varies from 0 (environment image in black and white) to 1 (environment image in saturated colors). This property can be adjusted in real time.

Mapping Type

Allows you to define the projection method for the type of HDRI image.


Allows you to invert the projection of the environment image.

Default Orientation

Initializes the orientation of the environment in order to position it correctly with regard to the product.




Exposure Correction

Allows you to adjust the influence of the exposure of the environment on the diffuse layer of a material. It is a coefficient applied to this contribution. This property can be adjusted in real time.

Lightmap Coloration

Allows you to adjust the influence of the environment color on the diffusion of the materials using lighting textures.




Exposure Correction

Allows you to adjust the influence of the exposure of the environment on the specular or reflection layer of a material. It is a coefficient applied to this contribution. This property can be adjusted in real time.


Allows you to define the resolution of the image used for adjusting the mirroring.

High Quality Filtering

Eliminates whitening and aliasing effects environment reflections on sharp geometries in scenes with very intense areas.


Reflection of an environment featuring a high intensity area in a specular material without the High quality filtering option.


Reflection of an environment featuring a high intensity area in a specular material with the High quality filtering option.




Alternative background map

Allows a high resolution texture in a low dynamic range format (JPG, PNG...) to be used instead of the HDR environment for environment materials.


Allows you to adjust the influence of the exposure of the environment on the background. Its value is a coefficient applied to this contribution. This property can be adjusted in real time.


Allows you to adjust the altitude of the background.


Allows you to define the resolution of the image used for the background.

The image below illustrates the impact of the general properties on the render:


Here the red light source is placed out of the viewport, to the right of the image. This red component can be seen bleeding across the white bodywork.