Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Product Properties (Editor)

Available in: Matter: Editors > Advanced > Product Properties (F8)

Product Properties is an advanced editor used to override surface property settings from Shaper when viewing the product.

The product name displayed at the top of the editor indicates which product is being edited. The product name can be modified from this field.



Has its own surface visibility

When this option is checked, surface visibility states in Shaper are ignored. This enables you to hide a surface in Shaper, but still view the surface in Matter, allowing you to work on your model simultaneously in Shaper and in Matter.


When this option is enabled, a surface may also be hidden in Matter but visible in Shaper. Set the visibility of a surface in Matter by right-clicking on it and selecting Visibility to change its state.

Always draw backfaces

When this option is enabled, all backs of surfaces are rendered, even if they would normally be culled.