Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Choosing a Play Mode

Choose one of the four modes from the Play Mode drop-down list. This mode defines the behavior of the playback if the trigger is clicked again while the animation is playing.




Click on the trigger for a playing animation to pause it.

Click on the trigger for a paused animation to resume playback from where it left off.


Click on the trigger for a playing animation to restart it from the beginning.

Reverse with pause

Click on the trigger for a playing animation to pause it.

Click on the trigger for a paused animation to resume playback from where it left off, playing the animation backwards.

Reverse without pause

Click on the trigger for a playing animation to reverse the direction of playback: the animation will play backward from the current point.

If you do not choose a mode, the Continue mode is used by default.

Click OK to save this triggered animation or click Cancel to close this window without saving.