Patchwork 3D Enterprise 2020.2 X4

Color Chooser (Editor)

Available in: Matter or Shaper: click on a modifiable color square

Modifiable colors can be clicked on in order to open a color chooser and to set a new color to be used for the element in question.

carres de couleur.png

Figure: Modifiable color squares. Click to open the color chooser.

The interface of the color chooser is divided into two parts:

  • On the left, the Color from Picker and Color from Temperature tabs provide tools for choosing a color. Below them, a zone listing the color management profiles used by the database.

  • On the right, two tabs help you manage the groups of colors used in your database as color palettes or Adobe color books.

The buttons at the bottom allow you to save or ignore modifications:




To validate your color selection, which appears in the rectangle to the left, and to close the color chooser, click on OK. This updates the color of the element that you are currently modifying.


The Reset button allows you to return at any moment to the initial color of the element, shown in the rectangle on the right.


The Cancel button closes the color chooser without saving any changes.