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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Animation Sliders (Editor)

Available in: Editors > Animation Sliders

This editor allows you to test the effect of certain animations. It presents the different parts that can be animated by rotation or by translation, the animated meshes, and any animation clips that you have dragged and dropped from the libraries in the Timelines editor.

For existing translatable or rotatable parts to appear in this editor, the Show in Animation Sliders editor option must be checked for that part in the Kinematics sidebar tab in Shaper.

For each part, use the slider to manually animate the part. The animations are displayed in the active viewport. This allows you to view one animation in one viewport and another animation in a different viewport.

Animated Meshes

Using the slider for animated meshes allows you to move through the frames of the animation. The frame number is displayed to the right. You can also position the slider by typing a different frame number in this field.


The translation is limited by the distance set for the directional vector of the part. The value of the cursor position is displayed to the right and is expressed in the preferred units of measure for distances. You can also position the cursor by providing a new value in this field.


The rotation is limited by the values set as min and max angles for the part. The value of the cursor position is displayed to the right and is expressed in degrees. You can also position the cursor by providing a new value in this field.


You can add clips that you want to manipulate in the Animation Slider. In Matter, from the libraries on the right of the Timelines editor, drag and drop clips you would like to manipulate onto the Animation Slider editor. This adds the clip to the editor. Clips are only visible in the editor while in the Matter module.

The slider allows you to scan through the clip. The value of the cursor position is displayed to the right and expressed in seconds. You can also position the cursor by providing a new value in this field.