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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7


A sensor is one of the basic resources in Matter that allow you to dress a product. Sensors are used to specify view-related information, such as the aspect ratio and type of projection, and to group 2D elements applied to a rendering.

To use a sensor, you must assign it to a camera or to a viewport. Assigning a sensor to a viewport assigns it to the viewport's free camera. You can assign a sensor to as many cameras as you would like.

Sensors are managed in the Matter sidebar's image800.png sensor library.

Default Values

When no sensor is assigned, a camera, including the free camera in a viewport, uses sensor default values.

The default values include an aspect ratio of 3:2, equivalent to the full-frame sensor in physical cameras measuring 24x36mm, and the use of a perspective projection. No backgrounds, overlays, or post-processing effects are used.

Attributing a New Sensor to a Viewport’s Free Camera

You can attribute a different sensor to any viewport’s free camera. This will replace the default sensor values in that viewport until the sensor is deleted or the viewport is closed. Remember that all viewports are closed when you close your database.

Drag the sensor that you want to use from the Matter sidebar's sensor library and drop it onto the view in which you would like to use it.