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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Aspect Layers

Aspect layers allow different materials and their UV mapping projections to be assigned to the same surface in different layers.

Using aspect layers will allow you to create configurations for the materials used to dress your product. This approach makes it easy to create many variants and derived versions of products.

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Accessing All Aspect Layers with Assignments

Once a surface is selected, it is possible to obtain the list of aspect layers in which there’s a material or one or more labels assigned to it.

This list may be reviewed in the Surface Properties accessed by right-clicking on a surface and selecting Edit properties.

For each aspect layer in the list, the following attributes are displayed:

  • The aspect layer’s name,

  • The mention hidden if the layer is not visible,

  • The number of material assignments for the selected surface in the layer if relevant,

  • The number of sticker assignments for the selected surface in the layer if relevant.

Selecting an aspect layer in the list displays the corresponding assignments in the Layer Assignments box.

Moving Material and Sticker Assignments

Material and sticker assignments may be moved from one aspect layer to another.

Moving a material or sticker assignment is performed by selecting the source aspect layer in the Layer drop-down list of the Surface Properties accessed by right-clicking on a surface and selecting Edit properties.

Material and sticker assignments defined in the selected layer are displayed in the Layer Assignments box. The assignment to be moved must then be selected and the destination aspect layer chosen from the list opened by clicking the Move Assignment button explode_layer_by_materials_1.png.