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Configurations (Editor)

Accessible in: Matter or Shaper: Editors > Create Configurations

The main tool of the configuration system is the Configurations editor.

Configurations is an editor used to create configuration rules that establish the behavior of configurable layers for each product in your database. You can also associate rules together to create configurations or complex product variants.

Configurations is organized into tabs:

Rule Tab

Configuration rules are created in the Rule tab.

The Rule tab has two boxes. In the Rules box appears the list of rules already defined.

The following functions are available:





New Simple Rule

This function opens the Simple Rules editor. In this dialog box, users create rules that have the following expression: (defined "symbol"). Simple rule creation is detailed in the section Creating Simple Rules.


New Complex Rule

This function is for creating a rule with the Complex Rules editor. Complex rules involve the function "defined" as well as the logical operators "and", "or", "not" and "xor". Complex rule creation is described in the section Creating Complex Rules. Information on complex rule syntax can be found in the chapter Rule Syntax.


Replace String

This function is for replacing the name of a symbol with a new string of text. It is particularly helpful for changing the prefixes ("partition.") of several "partition.value_n" symbols simultaneously. The name of the symbol will be replaced simultaneously in all of the rules where it is used, as well as in the Configuration Browser.


Delete Rule

This function is for deleting the rule selected in the list.

Rule expressions are entered directly inside the Expression box. The Insert Tool is for inserting a string corresponding to a simple rule for a defined symbol.

The Compiler Output box allows for checking rule syntax. If syntax problems are detected during rule validation, an error message is displayed in this box.

The second box in the Rule tab shows the properties of the selected rule.

It includes the Rule field which allows the selected rule in the list to be renamed.

image374.png Edit Rule Expression opens the Complex Rules editor for modifying rule expressions directly.

The Targets box indicates the target layer(s) of the selected rule.

When a geometry, aspect, position, overlay, or environment layer is defined as a target for a configuration rule, the icon image375.png is displayed next to that layer in the corresponding layer editor. Clicking on this icon selects the rule in the Configurations editor.

Browser Tab

This tab is the Configuration Browser. It can also be accessed from Editors > Configuration Browser.

The Configuration Browser is for testing and exploring product derivatives. The Configuration Browser interface is updated automatically according to the configuration rules created: all symbols used in the rules of the active product are gathered and displayed in it. The browser lists all available symbols for the product displayed in the active viewport.

The browser allows you to select which symbols among those available should be defined for rule evaluation. The selection is made either with checkboxes or from drop-down lists. All product derivatives may thus be explored.

Library Tab

The Library is for managing and editing configuration sets, that is, a set of defined symbols and groupings identified in the Configuration Browser. It includes the following functions:





New Configuration

Creates a configuration.


Store Configuration

Saves changes made to an existing configuration .The current set of defined symbols is saved, replacing the previous set of defined symbols.


Restore Configuration

Deletes the configuration selected in the list.


Delete Configuration

Deletes the configuration selected in the list.

The second box includes a field for renaming configurations.

edit_configuration_editor_1.png Edit Configuration opens the Symbol Sets editor. This editor lists all available and defined symbols. In the Available Symbols list, defined symbols are grayed-out.





Define Symbol

Adds the symbol selected in the Available Symbols list to the Defined Symbols list.


Delete Defined Symbol

Deletes the selected symbol from the Defined Symbols list.

Inspection Tab

In the Rules Value box, the list of existing rules is displayed. Rules evaluated as true with the current defined symbols are highlighted in green, and highlighted in red otherwise. The expression of the rule selected is displayed in the Rule Evaluation Trace box. The parts of the rule’s expression displayed in green are true and the parts displayed in red are false. This tool allows for quick determination of the reason why a rule is evaluated as false.